Song For All Seasons

From the start through all time, here upon the wind

Disorder reigned hand in hand with spring

Earth and the fire, air and the water

Molded the sea and landscape

Moving, flowing with no seeming purpose

Endlessly changing, survival

Spring into summer, time for reflection

Time to grow

World full of meaning, place re-arranging

Face ever changing for all our lives

These are our roots and it's our way

We grow, we reap and sow

We reap and sow the seasons of our day

Within the heart of all things born that day

The autumn scene brings the winters way

Colors are shading, misting and fading

Turning toward changes living

Each time the past and the future

Holding together tomorrow

Winter to springtime, a season for planning

Time to learn

World full of stillness, world ever waiting

Anticipating for all of our lives

These are our roots and it's our way

We grow, we reap and sow

We reap and sow the seasons of our day

We fall, while aiming so high

We crawl, flying

Man has North, South, East and West

Man has, trying

A song for all seasons through

Man has North, South, East and West

Man has music

Man has North, South, East and West

Man makes music

A song for all seasons through

Song for all seasons, song for all our time

We'll have a song for all the seasons through

Mirror lyrics:

We'll have a song for all the seasons through

Song for all seasons, song for all our time

A song for all seasons through

Man makes music

Man has North, South, East and West

Man has music

Man has North, South, East and West

A song for all seasons through

Man has, trying

Man has North, South, East and West

We crawl, flying

We fall, while aiming so high

We reap and sow the seasons of our day

We grow, we reap and sow

These are our roots and it's our way

Anticipating for all of our lives

World full of stillness, world ever waiting

Time to learn

Winter to springtime, a season for planning

Holding together tomorrow

Each time the past and the future

Turning toward changes living

Colors are shading, misting and fading

The autumn scene brings the winters way

Within the heart of all things born that day

We reap and sow the seasons of our day

We grow, we reap and sow

These are our roots and it's our way

Face ever changing for all our lives

World full of meaning, place re-arranging

Time to grow

Spring into summer, time for reflection

Endlessly changing, survival

Moving, flowing with no seeming purpose

Molded the sea and landscape

Earth and the fire, air and the water

Disorder reigned hand in hand with spring

From the start through all time, here upon the wind

Relevant Tags:
SSong FFor AAll SSeasons ong or ll easons oSng oFr lAl eSasons zong cor zll zeasons zSong cFor zAll zSeasons Szong Fcor Azll Szeasons
wong ror qll weasons wSong rFor qAll wSeasons Swong Fror Aqll Sweasons dong gor sll deasons dSong gFor sAll dSeasons Sdong Fgor Asll Sdeasons
eong tor wll eeasons eSong tFor wAll eSeasons Seong Ftor Awll Seeasons xong vor xll xeasons xSong vFor xAll xSeasons Sxong Fvor Axll Sxeasons
aong dor Alll aeasons aSong dFor Al aSeasons Saong Fdor All Saeasons Soong Foor Akl Sng Fr Akll Sasons Snog Fro Alkl Saesons
Skng Fkr Aol Ssasons Skong Fkor Aoll Sseasons Sokng Fokr Alol Sesasons S9ng F9r Apl S3asons S9ong F9or Apll S3easons So9ng Fo9r Alpl Se3asons
S0ng F0r Sfasons S0ong F0or Sfeasons So0ng Fo0r Sefasons Slng Flr Alk Srasons Slong Flor Sreasons Solng Folr Allk Serasons
Sing Fir Alo S4asons Siong Fior S4easons Soing Foir Allo Se4asons Sonng Forr Alp Sdasons Sog Fo Sogn For Allp Sedasons
Somg Fod Swasons Somng Fodr Sonmg Ford Sewasons Sohg Fo4 Seaasons Sohng Fo4r Sesons Sonhg For4 Sesaons
Sojg Fog Sezsons Sojng Fogr Sezasons Sonjg Forg Seazsons Sobg Fot Seqsons Sobng Fotr Seqasons Sonbg Fort Seaqsons
Songg Fo5 Sessons Son Fo5r Song For5 Seassons Sonh Fof Sewsons Fofr Songh Forf Seawsons
Sony Foe Sexsons Sonyg Foer Sexasons Songy Fore Seaxsons Sonb

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