The Vultures Fly High

While in the streets of all our fears

They reign supreme as orders go

They are the last to have their say

And last to know it doesn't matter how you try

It doesn't matter what you say

They always watch with hollow eyes

To put you down they always find a way to criticise

Chorus I:

The vultures fly high

They circle over us all

The vultures fly high

I'll take your hand if you fall

All those who sheltered in their smile

Are scattered here from yesterday

And if the weak are left behind

They have to pay and though you haven't much to give

You know they take it, yours and mine

Sometimes it looks as though we lose

But then in time the finger points at them

The next in line

Repeat Chorus I

[Instrumental break]

Chorus II:

The vultures fly high

They circle over us all

The lonely sigh

I'll take your hand if you fall

Repeat Chorus II twice

Mirror lyrics:

Repeat Chorus II twice

I'll take your hand if you fall

The lonely sigh

They circle over us all

The vultures fly high

Chorus II:

[Instrumental break]

Repeat Chorus I

The next in line

But then in time the finger points at them

Sometimes it looks as though we lose

You know they take it, yours and mine

They have to pay and though you haven't much to give

And if the weak are left behind

Are scattered here from yesterday

All those who sheltered in their smile

I'll take your hand if you fall

The vultures fly high

They circle over us all

The vultures fly high

Chorus I:

To put you down they always find a way to criticise

They always watch with hollow eyes

It doesn't matter what you say

And last to know it doesn't matter how you try

They are the last to have their say

They reign supreme as orders go

While in the streets of all our fears

Relevant Tags:
TThe VVultures FFly HHigh he ultures ly igh hTe uVltures lFy iHgh fhe bultures cly jigh fThe bVultures cFly jHigh Tfhe Vbultures Fcly Hjigh
5he cultures rly uigh 5The cVultures rFly uHigh T5he Vcultures Frly Huigh hhe gultures gly nigh hThe gVultures gFly nHigh Thhe Vgultures Fgly Hnigh
yhe fultures tly bigh yThe fVultures tFly bHigh Tyhe Vfultures Ftly Hbigh 6he Vuultures vly gigh 6The Vltures vFly gHigh T6he Vlutures Fvly Hgigh
ghe Vhltures dly yigh gThe Vhultures dFly yHigh Tghe Vuhltures Fdly Hyigh rhe V7ltures Flly Hiigh rThe V7ultures Fy Hgh Trhe Vu7ltures Fyl Hgih
Vkltures Fky Hjgh Te Vkultures Fkly Teh Vukltures Flky Hijgh Tje Viltures Foy H9gh Tjhe Viultures Foly H9igh Thje Vuiltures Floy Hi9gh
Tue V8ltures Fpy Hlgh Tuhe V8ultures Fply Hligh Thue Vu8ltures Flpy Hilgh Tne Vjltures Flyy Hogh Tnhe Vjultures Fl Hoigh Thne Vujltures Fly Hiogh
Tbe Vyltures Flg Hkgh Tbhe Vyultures Flgy Hkigh Thbe Vuyltures Flyg Hikgh Tge Vulltures Flh H8gh Vutures Flhy H8igh Thge Vutlures Flyh Hi8gh
Tye Vuktures Fl6 Hugh Fl6y Thye Vulktures Fly6 Hiugh Thee Vuotures Flu Higgh Th Vuoltures Fluy Hih The Vulotures Flyu Hihg
Ths Vuptures Fl7 Hihh Thse Vupltures Fl7y Hihgh Thes Vulptures Fly7 Highh Th3 Vulttures Flj Hiyh Th3e Vulures Fljy Hiygh The3 Vulutres Flyj Higyh
Thf Vulfures Flt Hibh Thfe Vulftures Flty Hibgh Thef Vultfures Flyt Higbh Thr Vul5ures Hivh Thre Vul5tures Hivgh Ther Vult5ures Higvh
Th4 Vulhures Hifh Th4e Vulhtures Hifgh The4 Vulthures Higfh Thd Vulyures Hith Thde Vulytures Hitgh Thed Vultyures Higth
Thw Vul6ures Thwe Vul6tures Hig Thew Vult6ures High Vulgures Higj Vulgtures Higjh Vultgures Highj
Vulrures Higu Vulrtures Higuh Vultrures Highu Vultuures Hign Vultres Hignh Vultrues Highn

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