Chains And Threads

In troubled times

I am surrounded by conflict

The world I see

Bound with the chains of limitation

And in this I'm confined

Filled with all that I am

I find all of my frailties

I can see no end

In troubled thoughts

I am aware of hesitation

My mind I see

Bound with the chains of reservation

And in this I'm restrained

Filled with less than I am

I find all of my frailties

I can see no end

(As you are, what you know

As you live, you will grow

Now that you have the key

You will come to be free

All the questions you ask

And the keys from the past

Say the answer is you

And you hold all the answers)

I'd grow if I knew

(All this you will find)

The way

(With peace in time

You will find haromony weaving

A tapestry woven with threads of expectation

So grow with your love

Fill with all you can be

Your heart will encompass

All you may need to be free)

Mirror lyrics:

All you may need to be free)

Your heart will encompass

Fill with all you can be

So grow with your love

A tapestry woven with threads of expectation

You will find haromony weaving

(With peace in time

The way

(All this you will find)

I'd grow if I knew

And you hold all the answers)

Say the answer is you

And the keys from the past

All the questions you ask

You will come to be free

Now that you have the key

As you live, you will grow

(As you are, what you know

I can see no end

I find all of my frailties

Filled with less than I am

And in this I'm restrained

Bound with the chains of reservation

My mind I see

I am aware of hesitation

In troubled thoughts

I can see no end

I find all of my frailties

Filled with all that I am

And in this I'm confined

Bound with the chains of limitation

The world I see

I am surrounded by conflict

In troubled times

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CChains AAnd TThreads hains nd hreads hCains nAd hTreads fhains znd fhreads fChains zAnd fThreads Cfhains Aznd Tfhreads
xhains qnd 5hreads xChains qAnd 5Threads Cxhains Aqnd T5hreads vhains snd hhreads vChains sAnd hThreads Cvhains Asnd Thhreads
dhains wnd yhreads dChains wAnd yThreads Cdhains Awnd Tyhreads Chhains xnd 6hreads Cains xAnd 6Threads Cahins Axnd T6hreads
Cjains Annd ghreads Cjhains Ad gThreads Chjains Adn Tghreads Cuains Amd rhreads Cuhains Amnd rThreads Chuains Anmd Trhreads
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Cgains Abd Tureads Cghains Abnd Tuhreads Chgains Anbd Thureads Cyains Andd Tnreads Cyhains An Tnhreads Chyains And Thnreads
Chaains Anx Tbreads Chins Anxd Tbhreads Chians Andx Thbreads Chzins Ane Tgreads Chzains Aned Chazins Ande Thgreads
Chqins Anf Tyreads Chqains Anfd Chaqins Andf Thyreads Chsins Anr Thrreads Chsains Anrd Theads Chasins Andr Therads
Chwins Anc Thdeads Chwains Ancd Thdreads Chawins Andc Thrdeads Chxins Ans Th4eads Chxains Ansd Th4reads Chaxins Ands Thr4eads
Chaiins Thgeads Chans Chanis Thrgeads Chajns Thteads Chajins Thtreads Chaijns Thrteads
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