Remember Maine
The Gap Effect

Pluck all your fashions from magazines, seventeen is fool-proof
You wear your hair, smile at me beauty queen
We both know the crown was deserved
And we make our way, through these crowded streets
Your eyes they bring on these feelings, but why are you drawn to me?

Why can't we share what we have missed?
Hand in hand, we'll embrace

Pluck all your fashions from magazines, seventeen is fool-proof
You wear your hair, smile at me beauty queen
We both know the crown was deserved
And we make our way, through these crowded streets
Your eyes they bring on these feelings, but why are you drawn to me?

Why can't we share what we have missed?
Hand in hand, we'll embrace
We'll embrace, when we change

Mirror lyrics:

We'll embrace, when we change
Hand in hand, we'll embrace
Why can't we share what we have missed?

Your eyes they bring on these feelings, but why are you drawn to me?
And we make our way, through these crowded streets
We both know the crown was deserved
You wear your hair, smile at me beauty queen
Pluck all your fashions from magazines, seventeen is fool-proof

Hand in hand, we'll embrace
Why can't we share what we have missed?

Your eyes they bring on these feelings, but why are you drawn to me?
And we make our way, through these crowded streets
We both know the crown was deserved
You wear your hair, smile at me beauty queen
Pluck all your fashions from magazines, seventeen is fool-proof

Relevant Tags:
TThe GGap EEffect he ap ffect hTe aGp fEfect fhe hap sffect fThe hGap sEffect Tfhe Ghap Esffect 5he yap 3ffect 5The yGap 3Effect
T5he Gyap E3ffect hhe bap fffect hThe bGap fEffect Thhe Gbap Efffect yhe vap rffect yThe vGap rEffect Tyhe Gvap Erffect 6he fap 4ffect
6The fGap 4Effect T6he Gfap E4ffect ghe tap dffect gThe tGap dEffect Tghe Gtap Edffect rhe Gaap wffect rThe Gp wEffect Trhe Gpa Ewffect
Gzp Te Gzap Efect Teh Gazp Effect Tje Gqp Ecfect Tjhe Gqap Ecffect Thje Gaqp Efcfect Tue Gsp Erfect Tuhe Gsap
Thue Gasp Efrfect Tne Gwp Egfect Tnhe Gwap Egffect Thne Gawp Efgfect Tbe Gxp Etfect Tbhe Gxap Etffect Thbe Gaxp Eftfect Tge Gapp Evfect
Ga Evffect Thge Gap Efvfect Tye Ga0 Edfect Ga0p Thye Gap0 Efdfect Thee Gal Th Galp The Gapl Efefct
Ths Gao Efcect Thse Gaop Thes Gapo Effcect Th3 Efrect Th3e The3 Effrect Thf Efgect Thfe

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