The Other Side Of Night

No spell that I could cast would ever bring you back too soon
But still I search for hidden answers, underneath this faded moon

The view from here should soothe my soul, even shed some kind of light
Because I know the sun is shining, on the other side of night
On the other side of night

Now, you're movin' through your wakin' world, while in my sleep, I dream
You drift as closely as you can without your ever being seen

But I know you're there beside me, just beyond my line of sight
Out where the sun is always shining, on the other side of night
On the other side of night

If you had stayed, would I have ever found a reason
To feel this way, if you had waited one more season

Though, I know you're out there somewhere, only you can prove me right
Since you're the one who crossed the boundary
To the other side of night
To the other side of night
To the other side of night
To the other side of night
To the other side of night
To the other side
To the other side of night

Mirror lyrics:

To the other side of night
To the other side
To the other side of night
To the other side of night
To the other side of night
To the other side of night
To the other side of night
Since you're the one who crossed the boundary
Though, I know you're out there somewhere, only you can prove me right

To feel this way, if you had waited one more season
If you had stayed, would I have ever found a reason

On the other side of night
Out where the sun is always shining, on the other side of night
But I know you're there beside me, just beyond my line of sight

You drift as closely as you can without your ever being seen
Now, you're movin' through your wakin' world, while in my sleep, I dream

On the other side of night
Because I know the sun is shining, on the other side of night
The view from here should soothe my soul, even shed some kind of light

But still I search for hidden answers, underneath this faded moon
No spell that I could cast would ever bring you back too soon

Relevant Tags:
TThe OOther SSide OOf NNight he ther ide f ight hTe tOher iSde fO iNght fhe kther zide kf might fThe kOther zSide kOf mNight Tfhe Okther Szide Okf Nmight
5he 9ther wide 9f hight 5The 9Other wSide 9Of hNight T5he O9ther Swide O9f Nhight hhe 0ther dide 0f jight hThe 0Other dSide 0Of jNight Thhe O0ther Sdide O0f Njight
yhe lther eide lf bight yThe lOther eSide lOf bNight Tyhe Olther Seide Olf Nbight 6he ither xide if Niight 6The iOther xSide iOf Nght T6he Oither Sxide Oif Ngiht
ghe Otther aide Off Njght gThe Oher aSide O Tghe Ohter Saide Of Nijght rhe Ofher Siide Oc N9ght rThe Ofther Sde Ocf N9ight Trhe Otfher Sdie Ofc Ni9ght
O5her Sjde Or Nlght Te O5ther Sjide Orf Nlight Teh Ot5her Sijde Ofr Nilght Tje Ohher S9de Og Noght Tjhe Ohther S9ide Ogf Noight Thje Othher Si9de Ofg Nioght
Tue Oyher Slde Ot Nkght Tuhe Oyther Slide Otf Nkight Thue Otyher Silde Oft Nikght Tne O6her Sode Ov N8ght Tnhe O6ther Soide Ovf N8ight Thne Ot6her Siode Ofv Ni8ght
Tbe Ogher Skde Od Nught Tbhe Ogther Skide Odf Nuight Thbe Otgher Sikde Ofd Niught Tge Orher S8de Nigght Orther S8ide Niht Thge Otrher Si8de Nihgt
Tye Sude Nihht Oter Suide Nihght Thye Otehr Siude Nighht Thee Otjer Sidde Niyht Th Otjher Sie Niyght The Othjer Sied Nigyht
Ths Otuer Sixe Nibht Thse Otuher Sixde Nibght Thes Othuer Sidxe Nigbht Th3 Otner Siee Nivht

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