Renato Russo
If Tomorrow Never Comes

Sometimes late at night
I lie awake and watch him sleeping
He's lost in peaceful dreams
So I turn out the lights and lay there in the dark
And the thought crosses my mind
If I never wake up in the morning
Would he ever doubt the way I feel
About him in my heart

If tomorrow never comes
Will he know how much I loved him

Did I try in every way to show him every day
That he's my only one
And if my time on earth were through
And he must face the world without me
Is the love I gave him in the past
Gonna be enough to last
If tomorrow never comes
'Cause I've lost loved ones in my life
Who never knew how much I loved them
Now I live with the regret
That my true feelings for them
never were revealed
So I made a promise to myself
To say each day how much he means to me
And avoid the circumstance
Where there's no second chance to tell him
how I feel
So tell that someone that you love
Just what you're thinking of
If tomorrow never comes

Mirror lyrics:

If tomorrow never comes
Just what you're thinking of
So tell that someone that you love
how I feel
Where there's no second chance to tell him
And avoid the circumstance
To say each day how much he means to me
So I made a promise to myself
never were revealed
That my true feelings for them
Now I live with the regret
Who never knew how much I loved them
'Cause I've lost loved ones in my life
If tomorrow never comes
Gonna be enough to last
Is the love I gave him in the past
And he must face the world without me
And if my time on earth were through
That he's my only one
Did I try in every way to show him every day

Will he know how much I loved him
If tomorrow never comes

About him in my heart
Would he ever doubt the way I feel
If I never wake up in the morning
And the thought crosses my mind
So I turn out the lights and lay there in the dark
He's lost in peaceful dreams
I lie awake and watch him sleeping
Sometimes late at night

Relevant Tags:
IIf TTomorrow NNever CComes f omorrow ever omes fI oTmorrow eNver oCmes jf fomorrow mever fomes jIf fTomorrow mNever fComes Ijf Tfomorrow Nmever Cfomes
9f 5omorrow hever xomes 9If 5Tomorrow hNever xComes I9f T5omorrow Nhever Cxomes lf homorrow jever vomes lIf hTomorrow jNever vComes Ilf Thomorrow Njever Cvomes
of yomorrow bever domes oIf yTomorrow bNever dComes Iof Tyomorrow Nbever Cdomes kf 6omorrow Neever Coomes kIf 6Tomorrow Nver Cmes Ikf T6omorrow Nveer Cmoes
8f gomorrow Nsver Ckmes 8If gTomorrow Nsever Ckomes I8f Tgomorrow Nesver Cokmes uf romorrow N3ver C9mes uIf rTomorrow N3ever C9omes Iuf Tromorrow Ne3ver Co9mes
Iff Toomorrow Nfver C0mes I Tmorrow Nfever C0omes If Tmoorrow Nefver Co0mes Ic Tkmorrow Nrver Clmes Icf Tkomorrow Nrever Clomes Ifc Tokmorrow Nerver Colmes
Ir T9morrow N4ver Cimes Irf T9omorrow N4ever Ciomes Ifr To9morrow Ne4ver Coimes Ig T0morrow Ndver Commes Igf T0omorrow Ndever Coes Ifg To0morrow Nedver Coems
It Tlmorrow Nwver Cojes Itf Tlomorrow Nwever Cojmes Ift Tolmorrow Newver Comjes Iv Timorrow Nevver Cokes Ivf Tiomorrow Neer Ifv Toimorrow Neevr Comkes
Id Tommorrow Neber Cones Idf Toorrow Nebver Conmes Ifd Toomrrow Nevber Comnes Tojorrow Necer Comees Tojmorrow Necver Coms Tomjorrow Nevcer Comse
Tokorrow Neger Comss Negver Comses Tomkorrow Nevger Comess Tonorrow Nefer Com3s Tonmorrow Com3es Tomnorrow Nevfer Come3s
Tomoorrow Neveer Comfs Tomrrow Nevr Comfes Tomrorow Nevre Comefs Tomkrrow Nevsr Comrs Nevser Comres Tomokrrow Nevesr Comers
Tom9rrow Nev3r Com4s Tom9orrow Nev3er Com4es Tomo9rrow Neve3r Come4s Tom0rrow Nevfr Comds Tom0orrow Comdes Tomo0rrow Nevefr Comeds
Tomlrrow Nevrr Comws Tomlorrow Nevrer Comwes Tomolrrow Neverr Comews Tomirrow Nev4r Tomiorrow Nev4er Come Tomoirrow Neve4r Comes
Tomorrrow Nevdr Comez Tomorow Nevder Comezs Tomorrow Nevedr Comesz

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