Roch Voisine
St. Ann Of The Wild Blue Eyes

A paper wrapped round a lamppost
At Bleecker and MacDougal where Kerouac stood
The wind pushed us into a doorway
And it felt good, it felt good
Time didn't pass it scattered
I put one more on the tab
We flagged a ride at closing time
And the laughs turned into kisses in the back of the cab
And it felt good
St. Annie you blessed my bed
Your sweet love was my daily bread
You'd come to me when the moon would rise
Sweet St. Annie of the wild blue eyes
The days flew by like pages
On those rain-soaked streets where Gainsberg wrote
We made love in the mornings
Where did that go, where did they go?
You were my ragtag savior
And I was your hopeless case
We made are way through the bars and cafes
And I memorized your heavenly face
Where did you go?

St. Annie you blessed my bed
Your sweet love was my daily bread
You'd come to me when the moon would rise
Sweet St. Annie of the wild blue eyes
I knew we couldn't last together
But I'll picture your blue eyes for ever..
Sweet , Sweet Annie
Your love was all I had
And your wild blue eyes..
Sweet St. Annie of the wild blue eyes...
St. Annie you blessed my bed
Your sweet love was my daily bread
You'd come to me when the moon would rise
Sweet St. Annie of the wild blue eyes
St. Annie you blessed my bed
Your sweet love was my daily bread
You'd come to me when the moon would rise
Sweet St. Annie of the wild blue eyes...

Mirror lyrics:

Sweet St. Annie of the wild blue eyes...
You'd come to me when the moon would rise
Your sweet love was my daily bread
St. Annie you blessed my bed
Sweet St. Annie of the wild blue eyes
You'd come to me when the moon would rise
Your sweet love was my daily bread
St. Annie you blessed my bed
Sweet St. Annie of the wild blue eyes...
And your wild blue eyes..
Your love was all I had
Sweet , Sweet Annie
But I'll picture your blue eyes for ever..
I knew we couldn't last together
Sweet St. Annie of the wild blue eyes
You'd come to me when the moon would rise
Your sweet love was my daily bread
St. Annie you blessed my bed

Where did you go?
And I memorized your heavenly face
We made are way through the bars and cafes
And I was your hopeless case
You were my ragtag savior
Where did that go, where did they go?
We made love in the mornings
On those rain-soaked streets where Gainsberg wrote
The days flew by like pages
Sweet St. Annie of the wild blue eyes
You'd come to me when the moon would rise
Your sweet love was my daily bread
St. Annie you blessed my bed
And it felt good
And the laughs turned into kisses in the back of the cab
We flagged a ride at closing time
I put one more on the tab
Time didn't pass it scattered
And it felt good, it felt good
The wind pushed us into a doorway
At Bleecker and MacDougal where Kerouac stood
A paper wrapped round a lamppost

Relevant Tags:
SSt. AAnn OOf TThe WWild BBlue EEyes t. nn f he ild lue yes tS. nAn fO hTe iWld lBue yEes zt. znn kf fhe aild vlue syes zSt. zAnn kOf fThe aWild vBlue sEyes
Szt. Aznn Okf Tfhe Waild Bvlue Esyes wt. qnn 9f 5he 3ild glue 3yes wSt. qAnn 9Of 5The 3Wild gBlue 3Eyes Swt. Aqnn O9f T5he W3ild Bglue E3yes dt. snn 0f hhe dild nlue fyes
dSt. sAnn 0Of hThe dWild nBlue fEyes Sdt. Asnn O0f Thhe Wdild Bnlue Efyes et. wnn lf yhe eild hlue ryes eSt. wAnn lOf yThe eWild hBlue rEyes Set. Awnn Olf Tyhe Weild Bhlue Eryes
xt. xnn if 6he sild Bllue 4yes xSt. xAnn iOf 6The sWild Bue 4Eyes Sxt. Axnn Oif T6he Wsild Bule E4yes at. Annn Off ghe 2ild Bkue dyes aSt. An O gThe 2Wild Bklue dEyes
Sat. Ann Of Tghe W2ild Blkue Edyes Stt. Amn Oc rhe qild Boue wyes S. Amnn Ocf rThe qWild Bolue wEyes S.t Anmn Ofc Trhe Wqild Bloue Ewyes Sf. Ahn Or Wiild Bpue Eyyes
Sft. Ahnn Orf Te Wld Bplue Ees Stf. Anhn Ofr Teh Wlid Blpue Eeys S5. Ajn Og Tje Wjld Bluue Eges S5t. Ajnn Ogf Tjhe Wjild Ble Egyes St5. Anjn Ofg Thje Wijld Bleu Eyges
Sh. Abn Ot Tue W9ld Blhe Ehes Sht. Abnn Otf Tuhe W9ild Blhue Ehyes Sth. Anbn Oft Thue Wi9ld Bluhe Eyhes Sy. Ov Tne Wlld Bl7e E6es Syt. Ovf Tnhe Wlild Bl7ue E6yes
Sty. Ofv Thne Willd Blu7e Ey6es S6. Anm Od Tbe Wold Blke Eues S6t. Odf Tbhe Woild Euyes St6. Annm Ofd Thbe Wiold Bluke Eyues Sg. Anh Tge Wkld Blie E7es
Sgt. Wkild Bliue E7yes Stg. Annh Thge Wikld Bluie Ey7es Sr. Anj Tye W8ld Bl8e Ejes Srt. W8ild Bl8ue Ejyes Str. Annj Thye Wi8ld Blu8e Eyjes

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