Rod Stewart
Tomorrow Is A Long Time

If today was not an endless highway
If tonight was not a crooked trail
If tomorrow wasn't such a long time
then lonesome would mean nothing to you at all

Ah but only if my own true love is waitin'
Yes and if I could hear her heart a softly poundin'
only if she were lying by me
would I rest in my bed once again

I can't see my reflection in the mirror
I can't speak the sounds that show no pain
I can't hear the echoes of my footsteps
and can't remember the sound of my own name

Ah but only if my own true love is waitin'
Yes and if I could hear her heart a softly poundin'
only if she were lying by me
would I rest in my bed once again

There's beauty in the silver singin' river
There's beauty in the sunlight in the sky
But none of these, and nothing else
can steal the beauty
that I remember in my true love's eyes

Ah but only if my own true love is waitin'
Yes and if I could hear her heart a softly poundin'
only if she were lying by me
would I rest in my bed once again

Mirror lyrics:

would I rest in my bed once again
only if she were lying by me
Yes and if I could hear her heart a softly poundin'
Ah but only if my own true love is waitin'

that I remember in my true love's eyes
can steal the beauty
But none of these, and nothing else
There's beauty in the sunlight in the sky
There's beauty in the silver singin' river

would I rest in my bed once again
only if she were lying by me
Yes and if I could hear her heart a softly poundin'
Ah but only if my own true love is waitin'

and can't remember the sound of my own name
I can't hear the echoes of my footsteps
I can't speak the sounds that show no pain
I can't see my reflection in the mirror

would I rest in my bed once again
only if she were lying by me
Yes and if I could hear her heart a softly poundin'
Ah but only if my own true love is waitin'

then lonesome would mean nothing to you at all
If tomorrow wasn't such a long time
If tonight was not a crooked trail
If today was not an endless highway

Relevant Tags:
TTomorrow IIs AA LLong TTime omorrow s ong ime oTmorrow sI A oLng iTme fomorrow js z kong fime fTomorrow jIs zA kLong fTime Tfomorrow Ijs Az Lkong Tfime
5omorrow 9s q oong 5ime 5Tomorrow 9Is qA oLong 5Time T5omorrow I9s Aq Loong T5ime homorrow ls s pong hime hTomorrow lIs sA pLong hTime Thomorrow Ils As Lpong Thime
yomorrow os w yime yTomorrow oIs wA Lng yTime Tyomorrow Ios Aw Lnog Tyime 6omorrow ks x Lkng 6ime 6Tomorrow kIs xA 6Time T6omorrow Iks Ax Lokng T6ime
gomorrow 8s L9ng gime gTomorrow 8Is L9ong gTime Tgomorrow I8s Lo9ng Tgime romorrow us L0ng rime rTomorrow uIs L0ong rTime Tromorrow Ius Lo0ng Trime
Toomorrow Iss Llng Tiime Tmorrow I Llong Tme Tmoorrow Is Lolng Tmie Tkmorrow Iz Ling Tjme Tkomorrow Izs Liong Tjime Tokmorrow Isz Loing Tijme
T9morrow Iw Lonng T9me T9omorrow Iws Log T9ime To9morrow Isw Logn Ti9me T0morrow Id Lomg Tlme T0omorrow Ids Lomng Tlime To0morrow Isd Lonmg Tilme
Tlmorrow Ie Lohg Tome Tlomorrow Ies Lohng Toime Tolmorrow Ise Lonhg Tiome Timorrow Ix Lojg Tkme Tiomorrow Ixs Lojng Tkime Toimorrow Isx Lonjg Tikme
Tommorrow Ia Lobg T8me Toorrow Ias Lobng T8ime Toomrrow Isa Lonbg Ti8me Tojorrow Longg Tume Tojmorrow Lon Tuime Tomjorrow Long Tiume
Tokorrow Lonh Timme Tie Tomkorrow Longh Tiem Tonorrow Lony Tije Tonmorrow Lonyg Tomnorrow Longy Timje
Tomoorrow Lonb Tike Tomrrow Tomrorow Longb Timke Tomkrrow Lonv Tine Lonvg Tinme Tomokrrow Longv Timne
Tom9rrow Lonf Timee Tom9orrow Lonfg Tim Tomo9rrow Longf Time Tom0rrow Lont Tims Tom0orrow Lontg Timse Tomo0rrow Longt Times
Tomlrrow Tim3 Tomlorrow Tim3e Tomolrrow Time3 Tomirrow Timf Tomiorrow Timfe Tomoirrow Timef
Tomorrrow Timr Tomorow Timre Tomorrow Timer

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