Rod Stewart

Looking out on the city tonight and I'm wondering why
Trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong
I am lost in an ocean of mixed emotions now
Everything I held sacred now has gone

Here am I far from home
Learning how to be alone
Silly me I should of guessed
Never settle on second best
Time for me to reassess


Heading into trouble
I am always heading into trouble
Sideways, downways
Heading into trouble
Now I'm losing you

It's gonna be a lonely summer without you 'round
I'll even miss the way you sing off key
Down in the market the reggae bands won't sound the same
Old Joe says without you they just don't believe

Now I am no longer sure
Who's gonna open every door
The love I take and couldn't share
The warmth I had but didn't care
To give myself I never dared


Hope it all goes well in the future for you my dear
Hope you find where your heart truly belongs
I don't know about me and tomorrow
'Cause you're gonna be a hard act to follow
I'll miss you baby every day even though you're far away
Here's to you in every way


Mirror lyrics:


Here's to you in every way
I'll miss you baby every day even though you're far away
'Cause you're gonna be a hard act to follow
I don't know about me and tomorrow
Hope you find where your heart truly belongs
Hope it all goes well in the future for you my dear


To give myself I never dared
The warmth I had but didn't care
The love I take and couldn't share
Who's gonna open every door
Now I am no longer sure

Old Joe says without you they just don't believe
Down in the market the reggae bands won't sound the same
I'll even miss the way you sing off key
It's gonna be a lonely summer without you 'round

Now I'm losing you
Heading into trouble
Sideways, downways
I am always heading into trouble
Heading into trouble


Time for me to reassess
Never settle on second best
Silly me I should of guessed
Learning how to be alone
Here am I far from home

Everything I held sacred now has gone
I am lost in an ocean of mixed emotions now
Trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong
Looking out on the city tonight and I'm wondering why

Relevant Tags:
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Throuble yrouble yTrouble Tyrouble 6rouble 6Trouble T6rouble grouble gTrouble Tgrouble rrouble
rTrouble Trrouble Touble Toruble Tdouble Tdrouble Trdouble T4ouble T4rouble Tr4ouble Tgouble
Trgouble Ttouble Ttrouble Trtouble T5ouble Tr5ouble Tfouble Trfouble Teouble Terouble Treouble
Troouble Truble Truoble Trkuble Trkouble Trokuble Tr9uble Tr9ouble Tro9uble Tr0uble Tr0ouble
Tro0uble Trluble Trlouble Troluble Triuble Triouble Troiuble Trouuble

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