Rod Stewart
My Heart Can't Tell You No

I don't want you to come round here no more
I beg you for mercy
You don't know how strong my weakness is
or how much it hurts me
Cause when you say it's over with him
I want to believe it's true
So I let you in knowing tomorow
I'm gonna wake up missing you
wake up missing you

When the one you love is in love with someone else
Don't you know its torture
I mean its a living hell
Know matter how I try to convince myself
this time I won't lose control,
but one look in you blue eyes and suddenly
my heart can't tell you no

I don't want you to call me up know more
saying you need me
you're crazy if you think just half your love
could ever please me
still I want to hold you, touch you
when you look at me that way
There's only one solution
I know it
you gotta stay away from me
stay away from me

When the one you love is in love with someone else
Don't you know its torture
I mean its a living hell
No matter how I try to convince myself
this time I won't lose control
one look in your sad eyes
and suddenly my heart can't tell you no
my heart can't tell you no

I don't want you to come round here no more
I beg you for mercy
you don't know how strong my weakness is
or how much it hurts me
cause when you say its over with him
I want to believe its true
So I let you in knowing tommorow
I'm gonna wake up missing you
wake up missing you

When the one you love is in love with someone else
Don't you know its torture
I mean its a living hell

When the one you love is in love with someone else
Don't you know its torture
I mean its a living hell
living hell........... (music fades)

Mirror lyrics:

living hell........... (music fades)
I mean its a living hell
Don't you know its torture
When the one you love is in love with someone else

I mean its a living hell
Don't you know its torture
When the one you love is in love with someone else

wake up missing you
I'm gonna wake up missing you
So I let you in knowing tommorow
I want to believe its true
cause when you say its over with him
or how much it hurts me
you don't know how strong my weakness is
I beg you for mercy
I don't want you to come round here no more

my heart can't tell you no
and suddenly my heart can't tell you no
one look in your sad eyes
this time I won't lose control
No matter how I try to convince myself
I mean its a living hell
Don't you know its torture
When the one you love is in love with someone else

stay away from me
you gotta stay away from me
I know it
There's only one solution
when you look at me that way
still I want to hold you, touch you
could ever please me
you're crazy if you think just half your love
saying you need me
I don't want you to call me up know more

my heart can't tell you no
but one look in you blue eyes and suddenly
this time I won't lose control,
Know matter how I try to convince myself
I mean its a living hell
Don't you know its torture
When the one you love is in love with someone else

wake up missing you
I'm gonna wake up missing you
So I let you in knowing tomorow
I want to believe it's true
Cause when you say it's over with him
or how much it hurts me
You don't know how strong my weakness is
I beg you for mercy
I don't want you to come round here no more

Relevant Tags:
MMy HHeart CCan't TTell YYou NNo y eart an't ell ou o yM eHart aCn't eTll oYu oN jy jeart fan't fell gou mo jMy jHeart fCan't fTell gYou mNo
Mjy Hjeart Cfan't Tfell Ygou Nmo ky ueart xan't 5ell hou ho kMy uHeart xCan't 5Tell hYou hNo Mky Hueart Cxan't T5ell Yhou Nho ny neart van't hell 6ou jo
nMy nHeart vCan't hTell 6You jNo Mny Hneart Cvan't Thell Y6ou Njo Myy beart dan't yell uou bo M bHeart dCan't yTell uYou bNo My Hbeart Cdan't Tyell Yuou Nbo
Mg geart Caan't 6ell 7ou Noo Mgy gHeart Cn't 6Tell 7You N Myg Hgeart Cna't T6ell Y7ou No Mh yeart Czn't gell jou Nk Mhy yHeart Czan't gTell jYou Nko
Myh Hyeart Cazn't Tgell Yjou Nok M6 Heeart Cqn't rell tou N9 M6y Hart Cqan't rTell tYou N9o My6 Haert Caqn't Trell Ytou No9 Mu Hsart Csn't Teell Yoou N0
Muy Hseart Csan't Tll Yu N0o Myu Hesart Casn't Tlel Yuo No0 M7 H3art Cwn't Tsll Yku Nl M7y H3eart Cwan't Tsell Ykou Nlo My7 He3art Cawn't Tesll Yoku Nol
Mj Hfart Cxn't T3ll Y9u Ni Hfeart T3ell Y9ou Nio Myj Hefart Caxn't Te3ll Yo9u Noi Mt Hrart Cann't Tfll Y0u Mty Hreart Ca't Y0ou
Myt Herart Ca'nt Tefll Yo0u H4art Cam't Trll Ylu H4eart Camn't Ylou He4art Canm't Terll Yolu Hdart Cah't T4ll Yiu
Hdeart Cahn't T4ell Yiou Hedart Canh't Te4ll Yoiu Hwart Caj't Tdll Youu Hweart Cajn't Tdell Yo Hewart Canj't Tedll You
Heaart Cab't Twll Yoh Hert Cabn't Twell Yohu Herat Canb't Tewll Youh Hezrt Can''t Telll Yo7 Hezart Cant Tel Yo7u
Heazrt Cant' Tell You7 Heqrt Can'tt Tekl Yok

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