Rod Stewart
It Takes Two (and Tina Turner)

One can have a dream baby
Two can make a dream so real
One can talk about being in love
Two can see how it really feels

One can wish upon a star
Two can make a wish come true
One can stand alone in the dark
Two can make a light shine through

It takes two baby
It takes two baby
Just me and you
You know it takes two

One can have a broken heart living in misery
Two can really ease the pain like a perfect remedy
One can be alone in a bar like an island he's all alone
Two can make just any place seem just like bein' at home

It takes two baby
It takes two baby
Just me and you
You know it takes two
It takes two baby
It takes two baby
just me and you
You know it takes two

It takes two baby
It takes two baby
Just me and you
You know it takes two

One can go out to a movie looking for a special treat
Two can make that single movie something really kind of neat
And one can take a walk in the moonlight thinking that it's really nice
But two lovers walking hand in hand is like adding just a pinch of spice

It takes two baby
It takes two baby
Just me and you
You know it takes two
It takes two baby
It takes two baby
Just me and you
You know it takes two

It takes two baby
It takes two baby
Just me and you
You know it takes two

Mirror lyrics:

You know it takes two
Just me and you
It takes two baby
It takes two baby

You know it takes two
Just me and you
It takes two baby
It takes two baby
You know it takes two
Just me and you
It takes two baby
It takes two baby

But two lovers walking hand in hand is like adding just a pinch of spice
And one can take a walk in the moonlight thinking that it's really nice
Two can make that single movie something really kind of neat
One can go out to a movie looking for a special treat

You know it takes two
Just me and you
It takes two baby
It takes two baby

You know it takes two
just me and you
It takes two baby
It takes two baby
You know it takes two
Just me and you
It takes two baby
It takes two baby

Two can make just any place seem just like bein' at home
One can be alone in a bar like an island he's all alone
Two can really ease the pain like a perfect remedy
One can have a broken heart living in misery

You know it takes two
Just me and you
It takes two baby
It takes two baby

Two can make a light shine through
One can stand alone in the dark
Two can make a wish come true
One can wish upon a star

Two can see how it really feels
One can talk about being in love
Two can make a dream so real
One can have a dream baby

Relevant Tags:
IIt TTakes TTwo ((and TTina TTurner) t akes wo and ina urner) tI aTkes wTo a(nd iTna uTrner) jt fakes fwo (aand fina furner) jIt fTakes fTwo (nd fTina fTurner)
Ijt Tfakes Tfwo (nad Tfina Tfurner) 9t 5akes 5wo (znd 5ina 5urner) 9It 5Takes 5Two (zand 5Tina 5Turner) I9t T5akes T5wo (aznd T5ina T5urner) lt hakes hwo (qnd hina hurner)
lIt hTakes hTwo (qand hTina hTurner) Ilt Thakes Thwo (aqnd Thina Thurner) ot yakes ywo (snd yina yurner) oIt yTakes yTwo (sand yTina yTurner) Iot Tyakes Tywo (asnd Tyina Tyurner)
kt 6akes 6wo (wnd 6ina 6urner) kIt 6Takes 6Two (wand 6Tina 6Turner) Ikt T6akes T6wo (awnd T6ina T6urner) 8t gakes gwo (xnd gina gurner) 8It gTakes gTwo (xand gTina gTurner)
I8t Tgakes Tgwo (axnd Tgina Tgurner) ut rakes rwo (annd rina rurner) uIt rTakes rTwo (ad rTina rTurner) Iut Trakes Trwo (adn Trina Trurner) Itt Taakes Twwo (amd Tiina Tuurner)
I Tkes To (amnd Tna Trner) It Tkaes Tow (anmd Tnia Truner) If Tzkes Tao (ahd Tjna Thrner) Ift Tzakes Tawo (ahnd Tjina Itf Tazkes Twao (anhd Tijna Tuhrner)
I5 Tqkes T3o (ajd T9na T7rner) I5t Tqakes T3wo (ajnd T9ina T7urner) It5 Taqkes Tw3o (anjd Ti9na Tu7rner) Ih Tskes Tdo (abd Tlna Tkrner) Iht Tsakes Tdwo (abnd Tlina Tkurner)
Ith Taskes Twdo (anbd Tilna Tukrner) Iy Twkes Teo (andd Tona Tirner) Iyt Twakes Tewo (an Toina Tiurner) Ity Tawkes Tweo (and Tiona Tuirner) I6 Txkes Tso (anx Tkna T8rner)
I6t Txakes Tswo (anxd Tkina T8urner) It6 Taxkes Twso (andx Tikna Tu8rner) Ig Takkes T2o (ane T8na Tjrner) Igt Taes T2wo (aned T8ina Tjurner) Itg Taeks Tw2o (ande Ti8na Tujrner)
Ir Tales Tqo (anf Tuna Tyrner) Irt Talkes Tqwo (anfd Tuina Itr Takles Twqo (andf Tiuna Tuyrner) Taoes Twoo (anr Tinna Turrner) Taokes Tw (anrd Tia Tuner)
Takoes Two (andr Tian Tunrer) Tames Twk (anc Tima Tudner) Tamkes Twko (ancd Timna Tudrner) Takmes Twok (andc Tinma Turdner) Tajes Tw9 (ans Tiha Tu4ner)
Tajkes Tw9o (ansd Tihna Tu4rner) Takjes Two9 (ands Tinha Tur4ner) Taies Tw0 Tija Tugner) Taikes Tw0o Tugrner) Takies Two0 Tinja Turgner)
Takees Twl Tiba Tutner) Taks Twlo Tibna Tutrner) Takse Twol Tinba Turtner) Takss Twi Tinaa Tu5ner) Takses Twio Tin Tu5rner)
Takess Twoi Tina Tur5ner)

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