Rod Stewart
You're In My Heart (the Final Acclaim)

I didn't know what day it was
when you walked into the room
I said hello unnoticed
You said goodbye too soon

Breezing through the clientele
spinning yarns that were so lyrical
I really must confess right here
the attraction was purely physical

I took all those habits of yours
that in the beginning were hard to accept
Your fashion sense, Beardsly prints
I put down to experience

The big bosomed lady with the Dutch accent
who tried to change my point of view
Her ad lib lines were well rehearsed
but my heart cried out for you


You're in my heart, you're in my soul
You'll be my breath should I grow old
You are my lover, you're my best friend
You're in my soul

My love for you is immeasurable
My respect for you immense
You're ageless, timeless, lace and fineness
You're beauty and elegance

You're a rhapsody, a comedy
You're a symphony and a play
You're every love song ever written
But honey what do you see in me


You're an essay in glamour
Please pardon the grammar
but you're every schoolboy's dream
You're Celtic, United, but baby I've decided
You're the best team I've ever seen

And there have been many affairs
Many times I've thought to leave
But I bite my lip and turn around
'cause you're the warmest thing I've ever found


Mirror lyrics:


'cause you're the warmest thing I've ever found
But I bite my lip and turn around
Many times I've thought to leave
And there have been many affairs

You're the best team I've ever seen
You're Celtic, United, but baby I've decided
but you're every schoolboy's dream
Please pardon the grammar
You're an essay in glamour


But honey what do you see in me
You're every love song ever written
You're a symphony and a play
You're a rhapsody, a comedy

You're beauty and elegance
You're ageless, timeless, lace and fineness
My respect for you immense
My love for you is immeasurable

You're in my soul
You are my lover, you're my best friend
You'll be my breath should I grow old
You're in my heart, you're in my soul


but my heart cried out for you
Her ad lib lines were well rehearsed
who tried to change my point of view
The big bosomed lady with the Dutch accent

I put down to experience
Your fashion sense, Beardsly prints
that in the beginning were hard to accept
I took all those habits of yours

the attraction was purely physical
I really must confess right here
spinning yarns that were so lyrical
Breezing through the clientele

You said goodbye too soon
I said hello unnoticed
when you walked into the room
I didn't know what day it was

Relevant Tags:
YYou're IIn MMy HHeart ((the FFinal AAcclaim) ou're n y eart the inal cclaim) oYu're nI yM eHart t(he iFnal cAclaim)
gou're jn jy jeart (tthe cinal zcclaim) gYou're jIn jMy jHeart (he cFinal zAcclaim) Ygou're Ijn Mjy Hjeart (hte Fcinal Azcclaim)
hou're 9n ky ueart (fhe rinal qcclaim) hYou're 9In kMy uHeart (fthe rFinal qAcclaim) Yhou're I9n Mky Hueart (tfhe Frinal Aqcclaim)
6ou're ln ny neart (5he ginal scclaim) 6You're lIn nMy nHeart (5the gFinal sAcclaim) Y6ou're Iln Mny Hneart (t5he Fginal Ascclaim)
uou're on Myy beart (hhe tinal wcclaim) uYou're oIn M bHeart (hthe tFinal wAcclaim) Yuou're Ion My Hbeart (thhe Ftinal Awcclaim)
7ou're kn Mg geart (yhe vinal xcclaim) 7You're kIn Mgy gHeart (ythe vFinal xAcclaim) Y7ou're Ikn Myg Hgeart (tyhe Fvinal Axcclaim)
jou're 8n Mh yeart (6he dinal Accclaim) jYou're 8In Mhy yHeart (6the dFinal Aclaim) Yjou're I8n Myh Hyeart (t6he Fdinal Acclaim)
tou're un M6 Heeart (ghe Fiinal Afclaim) tYou're uIn M6y Hart (gthe Fnal Afcclaim) Ytou're Iun My6 Haert (tghe Fnial Acfclaim)
Yoou're Inn Mu Hsart (rhe Fjnal Axclaim) Yu're I Muy Hseart (rthe Fjinal Yuo're In Myu Hesart (trhe Fijnal Acxclaim)
Yku're Im M7 H3art F9nal Avclaim) Ykou're Imn M7y H3eart (te F9inal Avcclaim) Yoku're Inm My7 He3art (teh Fi9nal Acvclaim)
Y9u're Ih Mj Hfart (tje Flnal Adclaim) Y9ou're Ihn Hfeart (tjhe Flinal Adcclaim) Yo9u're Inh Myj Hefart (thje Filnal Acdclaim)
Y0u're Ij Mt Hrart (tue Fonal Y0ou're Mty Hreart (tuhe Foinal Yo0u're Inj Myt Herart (thue Fional Aclcaim)
Ylu're Ib H4art (tne Fknal Acflaim) Ylou're Ibn H4eart (tnhe Fkinal Yolu're Inb He4art (thne Fiknal Accflaim)
Yiu're Hdart (tbe F8nal Acxlaim) Yiou're Hdeart (tbhe F8inal Yoiu're Hedart (thbe Fi8nal Accxlaim)
Youu're Hwart (tge Funal Acvlaim) Yo're Hweart Fuinal Yo'ure Hewart (thge Fiunal Accvlaim)
Yoh're Heaart (tye Finnal Acdlaim) Yohu're Hert Fial Youh're Herat (thye Fianl Accdlaim)
Yo7're Hezrt (thee Fimal Accllaim) Yo7u're Hezart (th Fimnal Accaim) You7're Heazrt (the Finmal Accalim)
Yok're Heqrt (ths Fihal Acckaim) Heqart (thse Fihnal Accklaim) Youk're Heaqrt (thes Finhal Acclkaim)
Yoi're Hesrt (th3 Fijal Accoaim)

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