Rod Stewart
What Becomes Of The Brokenhearted

As I walk this land of broken dreams
I have visions of many things
But happiness is just an illusion
Filled with sadness and confusion

What becomes of the brokenhearted
Who had love that's now departed?
I know I've got to find some kind of peace of mind, maybe

The roots of love grow all around
But for me they come a-tumbling down
Everyday heartaches grow a little stronger
I can't stand this pain much longer

I walk in shadows, searching for light
Cold and alone, no comfort in sight
Hoping and praying for someone who cares
Always moving but going nowhere

What becomes of the brokenhearted
Who had love that's now departed?
I know I've got to find some kind of peace of mind, help me please

I'm searching though I don't succeed
For someone's love, there's a growing need
All is lost, there's no place for beginning
All that's left is an unhappy ending

Now what becomes of the brokenhearted
Who had love that's now departed?
I know I've got to find some kind of peace of mind

I'll be searching everywhere just to find someone to care
I'll be looking everyday, I know I've gotta find a way
Nothing's gonna stop me now, I'll find a way somehow

I'll be searching everywhere just to find someone who cares
I'll be looking everyday, I know I've gotta find a way
What becomes of the brokenhearted?

Mirror lyrics:

What becomes of the brokenhearted?
I'll be looking everyday, I know I've gotta find a way
I'll be searching everywhere just to find someone who cares

Nothing's gonna stop me now, I'll find a way somehow
I'll be looking everyday, I know I've gotta find a way
I'll be searching everywhere just to find someone to care

I know I've got to find some kind of peace of mind
Who had love that's now departed?
Now what becomes of the brokenhearted

All that's left is an unhappy ending
All is lost, there's no place for beginning
For someone's love, there's a growing need
I'm searching though I don't succeed

I know I've got to find some kind of peace of mind, help me please
Who had love that's now departed?
What becomes of the brokenhearted

Always moving but going nowhere
Hoping and praying for someone who cares
Cold and alone, no comfort in sight
I walk in shadows, searching for light

I can't stand this pain much longer
Everyday heartaches grow a little stronger
But for me they come a-tumbling down
The roots of love grow all around

I know I've got to find some kind of peace of mind, maybe
Who had love that's now departed?
What becomes of the brokenhearted

Filled with sadness and confusion
But happiness is just an illusion
I have visions of many things
As I walk this land of broken dreams

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Wahat Bvecomes Okf Tfhe Bvrokenhearted 3hat gecomes 9f 5he grokenhearted 3What gBecomes 9Of 5The gBrokenhearted W3hat Bgecomes O9f T5he Bgrokenhearted dhat necomes 0f hhe nrokenhearted
dWhat nBecomes 0Of hThe nBrokenhearted Wdhat Bnecomes O0f Thhe Bnrokenhearted ehat hecomes lf yhe hrokenhearted eWhat hBecomes lOf yThe hBrokenhearted Wehat Bhecomes Olf Tyhe Bhrokenhearted
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W2hat Bescomes Of Tghe Brdokenhearted qhat B3comes Oc rhe B4okenhearted qWhat B3ecomes Ocf rThe B4rokenhearted Wqhat Be3comes Ofc Trhe Br4okenhearted Whhat Bfcomes Or Bgokenhearted
Wat Bfecomes Orf Te Waht Befcomes Ofr Teh Brgokenhearted Wjat Brcomes Og Tje Btokenhearted Wjhat Brecomes Ogf Tjhe Btrokenhearted Whjat Bercomes Ofg Thje Brtokenhearted
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Wghat Beomes Brkenhearted Whgat Beocmes Thge Brkoenhearted Wyat Befomes Tye Brkkenhearted Wyhat Brkokenhearted Whyat Becfomes Thye Brokkenhearted
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