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Your Sweet Voice

Your sweet voice
Lets me know there is a choice
Plays me slow
Oh, Much more slowly than that

And when we danced
We danced warm cheek to cold cheek
A sideways glance
I knew you were looking at him

I can't call you a friend
Cause when you left me here
You left me here to die
Don't worry I wont call you again
Cause when I take a hint
I take it pretty hard
And when you broke my heart
you broke it into shards of glass

The telephone yells out
At me to wake
I won't be blamed
For someone else's mistakes
It's your sweet voice
Sounding cheery and warm
It breaks my heart
But I summon up all my charm

Can I call you my friend?
Cause it's been so long
Since we've talked
and I miss you
Don't worry I'm over you right now
So my feelings wont get in the way of it
Oh, I miss the way we talked
about the little things

Mirror lyrics:

about the little things
Oh, I miss the way we talked
So my feelings wont get in the way of it
Don't worry I'm over you right now
and I miss you
Since we've talked
Cause it's been so long
Can I call you my friend?

But I summon up all my charm
It breaks my heart
Sounding cheery and warm
It's your sweet voice
For someone else's mistakes
I won't be blamed
At me to wake
The telephone yells out

you broke it into shards of glass
And when you broke my heart
I take it pretty hard
Cause when I take a hint
Don't worry I wont call you again
You left me here to die
Cause when you left me here
I can't call you a friend

I knew you were looking at him
A sideways glance
We danced warm cheek to cold cheek
And when we danced

Oh, Much more slowly than that
Plays me slow
Lets me know there is a choice
Your sweet voice

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YYour SSweet VVoice our weet oice oYur wSeet oVice gour zweet boice gYour zSweet bVoice Ygour Szweet Vboice hour wweet coice
hYour wSweet cVoice Yhour Swweet Vcoice 6our dweet goice 6Your dSweet gVoice Y6our Sdweet Vgoice uour eweet foice uYour eSweet fVoice
Yuour Seweet Vfoice 7our xweet Vooice 7Your xSweet Vice Y7our Sxweet Vioce jour aweet Vkice jYour aSweet Vkoice Yjour Saweet Vokice
tour V9ice tYour Seet V9oice Ytour Sewet Vo9ice Yoour Saeet V0ice Yur V0oice Yuor Swaeet Vo0ice Ykur S3eet Vlice
Ykour S3weet Vloice Yokur Sw3eet Volice Y9ur Sdeet Viice Y9our Vioice Yo9ur Swdeet Voiice Y0ur Seeet Y0our Voce
Yo0ur Sweeet Vocie Ylur Sseet Vojce Ylour Ssweet Vojice Yolur Swseet Voijce Yiur S2eet Vo9ce Yiour S2weet Yoiur Sw2eet Voi9ce
Youur Sqeet Volce Yor Sqweet Yoru Swqeet Voilce Yohr Vooce Yohur Swet Youhr Sweet Voioce

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