Regine Velasquez
Bluer Than Blue

After you go, I can catch on my reading
After you go, I have lot more time sleeping
And when you go, it looks like thing's gonna be lot easier
Life would be at ease you know
I really should be glad.

But I'm bluer than blue
Sadder than sad
You're the only life this empty room was ever had
Life without you is gonna be
Bluer than blue..

After you go, I have a lot more room in my closet
After you go, I can stay out long if I feel like it
And when you go, I can run through the house screaming
And no one will ever hear me
I really should be glad


I don't have to miss no tv show
I can start my whole life over
Change the numbers on my telephone
but the night will sure be colder.

And I'm bluer than blue
Sadder than sad
You're the only life this empty room was ever had
Life without you is gonna be
Bluer than blue...

Bluer than blue
Bluer than blue
Bluer than blue..

Mirror lyrics:

Bluer than blue..
Bluer than blue
Bluer than blue

Bluer than blue...
Life without you is gonna be
You're the only life this empty room was ever had
Sadder than sad
And I'm bluer than blue

but the night will sure be colder.
Change the numbers on my telephone
I can start my whole life over
I don't have to miss no tv show


I really should be glad
And no one will ever hear me
And when you go, I can run through the house screaming
After you go, I can stay out long if I feel like it
After you go, I have a lot more room in my closet

Bluer than blue..
Life without you is gonna be
You're the only life this empty room was ever had
Sadder than sad
But I'm bluer than blue

I really should be glad.
Life would be at ease you know
And when you go, it looks like thing's gonna be lot easier
After you go, I have lot more time sleeping
After you go, I can catch on my reading

Relevant Tags:
BBluer TThan BBlue luer han lue lBuer hTan lBue vluer fhan vlue vBluer fThan vBlue Bvluer Tfhan Bvlue gluer 5han glue
gBluer 5Than gBlue Bgluer T5han Bglue nluer hhan nlue nBluer hThan nBlue Bnluer Thhan Bnlue hluer yhan hlue hBluer yThan hBlue
Bhluer Tyhan Bhlue Blluer 6han Bllue Buer 6Than Bue Buler T6han Bule Bkuer ghan Bkue Bkluer gThan Bklue Blkuer Tghan Blkue
Bouer rhan Boue Boluer rThan Bolue Blouer Trhan Bloue Bpuer Bpue Bpluer Tan Bplue Blpuer Tahn Blpue Bluuer Tjan Bluue
Bler Tjhan Ble Bleur Thjan Bleu Blher Tuan Blhe Blhuer Tuhan Blhue Bluher Thuan Bluhe Bl7er Tnan Bl7e Bl7uer Tnhan Bl7ue
Blu7er Thnan Blu7e Blker Tban Blke Tbhan Bluker Thban Bluke Blier Tgan Blie Bliuer Bliue Bluier Thgan Bluie
Bl8er Tyan Bl8e Bl8uer Bl8ue Blu8er Thyan Blu8e Bljer Thaan Blje Bljuer Thn Bljue

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