Randy Newman
Dayton, Ohio 1903

Sing a song of long ago
When things were green and movin' slow
And people stopped to say hello
Or they'd say hi to you

Would you like to come over for tea
With the missus and me?
It's a real nice way to spend the day in Dayton, Ohio
On a lazy Sunday afternoon in 1903

Sing a song of long ago when things could grow
And days flowed quietly
The air was clean and you could see
And folks were nice to you

Would you like to come over for tea
With the missus and me?
It's a real nice way to spend the day in Dayton, Ohio
On a lazy Sunday afternoon in 1903

Mirror lyrics:

On a lazy Sunday afternoon in 1903
It's a real nice way to spend the day in Dayton, Ohio
With the missus and me?
Would you like to come over for tea

And folks were nice to you
The air was clean and you could see
And days flowed quietly
Sing a song of long ago when things could grow

On a lazy Sunday afternoon in 1903
It's a real nice way to spend the day in Dayton, Ohio
With the missus and me?
Would you like to come over for tea

Or they'd say hi to you
And people stopped to say hello
When things were green and movin' slow
Sing a song of long ago

Relevant Tags:
DDayton, OOhio 11903 ayton, hio 903 aDyton, hOio 9103 xayton, khio 2903 xDayton, kOhio 21903 Dxayton, Okhio 12903
eayton, 9hio q903 eDayton, 9Ohio q1903 Deayton, O9hio 1q903 fayton, 0hio 19903 fDayton, 0Ohio 103 Dfayton, O0hio 1093
rayton, lhio 1003 rDayton, lOhio 10903 Drayton, Olhio 19003 cayton, ihio 1i03 cDayton, iOhio 1i903 Dcayton, Oihio 19i03
sayton, Ohhio 1o03 sDayton, Oio 1o903 Dsayton, Oiho 19o03 Daayton, Ojio 1803 Dyton, Ojhio 18903 Dyaton, Ohjio 19803
Dzyton, Ouio Dzayton, Ouhio 193 Dazyton, Ohuio 1930 Dqyton, Onio 19p3 Dqayton, Onhio 19p03 Daqyton, Ohnio 190p3
Dsyton, Obio 1993 Obhio Dasyton, Ohbio 19093 Dwyton, Ogio 19o3 Dwayton, Oghio Dawyton, Ohgio 190o3
Dxyton, Oyio 19033 Oyhio 190 Daxyton, Ohyio 1903 Dayyton, Ohiio 1904 Daton, Oho 19043 Datyon, Ohoi 19034
Dagton, Ohjo 190w Dagyton, 190w3 Daygton, Ohijo 1903w Dahton, Oh9o 190e Dahyton, Oh9io 190e3 Dayhton, Ohi9o 1903e
Da6ton, Ohlo 1902 Da6yton, Ohlio 19023 Day6ton, Ohilo 19032 Dauton, Ohoo Dauyton, Ohoio Dayuton, Ohioo
Da7ton, Ohko Da7yton, Ohkio Day7ton, Ohiko Dajton, Oh8o

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