Randle Chowning Band
So Close To The Feeling


so close to the feeling

so close to the feeling

so close to the feeling

not that he cared very much

simply lost touch with his family

gone too long a while

the house of the child fell empty

now he's gone too far to ever come back

he just does not care for the quality

he lacks

he is so close to the feeling

so close to the feeling

just one step away

once down the open road

he could put some ground behind him

now he knows, and he can't be told

with only the wind to remind him

about his world - the way it was before

when he left it all behind for not very much and nothing more

he is so close to the feeling

so close to the feeling

just one step away

now he has nothing left

but one thing he carries

love and forgive the rest

free from hurt and worry

now he doesn't care for what he couldn't save

'cause he had it all once

and he gave it all - away

just to be so close to the feeling

so close to the feeling

so close to the feeling

just one step away


Lyrics are copyright 1972, Ken Shepherd

Mirror lyrics:

Lyrics are copyright 1972, Ken Shepherd


just one step away

so close to the feeling

so close to the feeling

just to be so close to the feeling

and he gave it all - away

'cause he had it all once

now he doesn't care for what he couldn't save

free from hurt and worry

love and forgive the rest

but one thing he carries

now he has nothing left

just one step away

so close to the feeling

he is so close to the feeling

when he left it all behind for not very much and nothing more

about his world - the way it was before

with only the wind to remind him

now he knows, and he can't be told

he could put some ground behind him

once down the open road

just one step away

so close to the feeling

he is so close to the feeling

he lacks

he just does not care for the quality

now he's gone too far to ever come back

the house of the child fell empty

gone too long a while

simply lost touch with his family

not that he cared very much

so close to the feeling

so close to the feeling

so close to the feeling


Relevant Tags:
SSo CClose TTo TThe FFeeling o lose o he eeling oS lCose oT hTe eFeling zo flose fo fhe ceeling zSo fClose fTo fThe cFeeling Szo Cflose Tfo Tfhe Fceeling
wo xlose 5o 5he reeling wSo xClose 5To 5The rFeeling Swo Cxlose T5o T5he Freeling do vlose ho hhe geeling dSo vClose hTo hThe gFeeling Sdo Cvlose Tho Thhe Fgeeling
eo dlose yo yhe teeling eSo dClose yTo yThe tFeeling Seo Cdlose Tyo Tyhe Fteeling xo Cllose 6o 6he veeling xSo Cose 6To 6The vFeeling Sxo Colse T6o T6he Fveeling
ao Ckose go ghe deeling aSo Cklose gTo gThe dFeeling Sao Clkose Tgo Tghe Fdeeling Soo Coose ro rhe Feeeling S Colose rTo rThe Feling So Cloose Tro Trhe Feeling
Sk Cpose Too Fseling Sko Cplose T Te Fseeling Sok Clpose To Teh Feseling S9 Tk Tje F3eling S9o Clse Tko Tjhe F3eeling So9 Clsoe Tok Thje Fe3eling
S0 Clkse T9 Tue Ffeling S0o T9o Tuhe Ffeeling So0 Clokse To9 Thue Fefeling Sl Cl9se T0 Tne Freling Slo Cl9ose T0o Tnhe Sol Clo9se To0 Thne Fereling
Si Cl0se Tl Tbe F4eling Sio Cl0ose Tlo Tbhe F4eeling Soi Clo0se Tol Thbe Fe4eling Cllse Ti Tge Fdeling Tio Clolse Toi Thge Fedeling
Clise Tye Fweling Cliose Fweeling Cloise Thye Feweling Closse Thee Cloe Th Cloes The Feleing
Cloze Ths Fesling Clozse Thse Closze Thes Feesling Clowe Th3 Fe3ling Clowse Th3e Closwe The3 Fee3ling
Clode Thf Fefling Clodse Thfe Closde Thef Feefling Cloee Thr Ferling Cloese Thre Closee Ther Feerling
Cloxe Th4 Fe4ling Cloxse Th4e

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