Randi Laubek
ã¢â‚¬å“kiss Of Destinyã¢â‚¬â

She calls your name at night, there on her lonely rock
To spare you from the sight of her so out of luck
Each thought you think arrives to her without a word
Disclosing chapters from a tale you once have heard

That's not at all a tragedy
It's just a kiss of destiny
That's not at all a tragedy
Just let the cold waves
Let them swallow me...

The waves roll to her knees with bottle massagewords
She grabs them with her hands, and poor her – how it hurts
She loves you now so deep
She cannot eat – she cannot sleep
And when the tide subsides the memories emerge

That's not at all a tragedy...etc

Deep as the secrets concealed by the sea
So is the love that you washed over me
Drowning the promise of eternity
I have no fears – let them swallow me...

This broken heart could be a stone in the machinery
The boat will sink, you see
It's no revenge, it's just the end for me

That's not at all a tragedy...etc


Mirror lyrics:


That's not at all a tragedy...etc

It's no revenge, it's just the end for me
The boat will sink, you see
This broken heart could be a stone in the machinery

I have no fears – let them swallow me...
Drowning the promise of eternity
So is the love that you washed over me
Deep as the secrets concealed by the sea

That's not at all a tragedy...etc

And when the tide subsides the memories emerge
She cannot eat – she cannot sleep
She loves you now so deep
She grabs them with her hands, and poor her – how it hurts
The waves roll to her knees with bottle massagewords

Let them swallow me...
Just let the cold waves
That's not at all a tragedy
It's just a kiss of destiny
That's not at all a tragedy

Disclosing chapters from a tale you once have heard
Each thought you think arrives to her without a word
To spare you from the sight of her so out of luck
She calls your name at night, there on her lonely rock

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