Listed M.i.a.

god damn it man i almost had it
Stuck in the sewer beneath all the maggots
i ain't foolin' i've been pursuing
a way to get out of these dirty old ruins

I'm checkin' out i'm never comin' back again
i'm checkin' out I'm listed M.I.A.

god damn it man i almost had
it threw me out the door and called me a faggot
i ain't done i've only yet begun
West Oakland is the place where i'm comin' from

I'm checkin' out i'm never comin' back again
i'm checkin' out I'm listed M.I.A.

oh yeah, oh yeah

god damn it man i almost had it
well i did it again yeah i do it outta habit
well i'm numb it ain't no fun i'm less than zero
when you add up the sum

I'm checkin' out yeah
it ain't no doubt yeah
a courtship built from anger is what it amounts
i almost had it i almost had it I came so close
man i almost had it

I'm checkin' out i'm never comin' back again
i'm checkin' out I'm listed M.I.A.

I'm checkin' out i'm never comin' back again
i'm checkin' out I'm listed M.I.A.

Mirror lyrics:

i'm checkin' out I'm listed M.I.A.
I'm checkin' out i'm never comin' back again

i'm checkin' out I'm listed M.I.A.
I'm checkin' out i'm never comin' back again

man i almost had it
i almost had it i almost had it I came so close
a courtship built from anger is what it amounts
it ain't no doubt yeah
I'm checkin' out yeah

when you add up the sum
well i'm numb it ain't no fun i'm less than zero
well i did it again yeah i do it outta habit
god damn it man i almost had it

oh yeah, oh yeah

i'm checkin' out I'm listed M.I.A.
I'm checkin' out i'm never comin' back again

West Oakland is the place where i'm comin' from
i ain't done i've only yet begun
it threw me out the door and called me a faggot
god damn it man i almost had

i'm checkin' out I'm listed M.I.A.
I'm checkin' out i'm never comin' back again

a way to get out of these dirty old ruins
i ain't foolin' i've been pursuing
Stuck in the sewer beneath all the maggots
god damn it man i almost had it

Relevant Tags:
LListed MM.i.a. isted .i.a. iLsted .Mi.a. kisted j.i.a. kListed jM.i.a. Lkisted Mj.i.a. oisted k.i.a. oListed kM.i.a. Loisted Mk.i.a.
pisted n.i.a. pListed nM.i.a. Lpisted Mn.i.a. Liisted M..i.a. Lsted Mi.a. Lsited Mi..a. Ljsted M.ii.a. Ljisted M..a. Lijsted M..ia.
L9sted M.j.a. L9isted M.ji.a. Li9sted M.ij.a. Llsted M.9.a. Llisted M.9i.a. Lilsted M.i9.a. Losted M.l.a. M.li.a. Liosted M.il.a.
Lksted M.o.a. M.oi.a. Liksted M.io.a. L8sted M.k.a. L8isted M.ki.a. Li8sted M.ik.a. Lusted M.8.a. Luisted M.8i.a. Liusted M.i8.a.
Lissted M.u.a. Lited M.ui.a. Litsed M.iu.a. Lizted M.i..a. Lizsted M.ia. Liszted M.ia.. Liwted M.i.aa. Liwsted M.i.. Liswted M.i..a
Lidted M.i.z. Lidsted M.i.za. Lisdted M.i.az. Lieted M.i.q. Liested M.i.qa. Liseted M.i.aq. Lixted M.i.s. Lixsted M.i.sa. Lisxted M.i.as.
Liated M.i.w. Liasted M.i.wa. Lisated M.i.aw. Listted M.i.x. Lised M.i.xa.

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