Out Of Control

Let's Go!
The prophet speaks his language, reeks,
A vile dogma that schemes and sneaks,
His blood is weak, he's an oil sheik,
Information leak, operation tweek

There's no security in the battlefield,
Metal cannons shape the human shields,
A brand new country, they're gonna build,
One more riot thats selfwilled

State out of control!
It's out of control!
State out of control!
We're outta control, we're outta control,
we're outta control, we're outta control!

Inject the poison into the bloodstream flow
Look over your shoulder, do what you're told
The probe is out,
the watchdog grows to incredicble lengths to incredible lows

Well off your target now you have missed,
Deliberate lying and recklessness,
Don't get crushed in the iron fist,
Resist, resist, resist, resist!

State out of control!
It's out of control!
State out of control!
We're outta control, we're outta control,
we're outta control, we're outta control!

Mirror lyrics:

we're outta control, we're outta control!
We're outta control, we're outta control,
State out of control!
It's out of control!
State out of control!

Resist, resist, resist, resist!
Don't get crushed in the iron fist,
Deliberate lying and recklessness,
Well off your target now you have missed,

the watchdog grows to incredicble lengths to incredible lows
The probe is out,
Look over your shoulder, do what you're told
Inject the poison into the bloodstream flow

we're outta control, we're outta control!
We're outta control, we're outta control,
State out of control!
It's out of control!
State out of control!

One more riot thats selfwilled
A brand new country, they're gonna build,
Metal cannons shape the human shields,
There's no security in the battlefield,

Information leak, operation tweek
His blood is weak, he's an oil sheik,
A vile dogma that schemes and sneaks,
The prophet speaks his language, reeks,
Let's Go!

Relevant Tags:
OOut OOf CControl ut f ontrol uOt fO oCntrol kut kf fontrol kOut kOf fControl Okut Okf Cfontrol 9ut 9f xontrol 9Out 9Of xControl
O9ut O9f Cxontrol 0ut 0f vontrol 0Out 0Of vControl O0ut O0f Cvontrol lut lf dontrol lOut lOf dControl Olut Olf Cdontrol iut if Coontrol
iOut iOf Cntrol Oiut Oif Cnotrol Ouut Off Ckntrol Ot O Ckontrol Otu Of Cokntrol Oht Oc C9ntrol Ohut Ocf C9ontrol Ouht Ofc Co9ntrol
O7t Or C0ntrol O7ut Orf C0ontrol Ou7t Ofr Co0ntrol Okt Og Clntrol Ogf Clontrol Oukt Ofg Colntrol Oit Ot Cintrol Otf Ciontrol
Ouit Oft Cointrol O8t Ov Conntrol O8ut Ovf Cotrol Ou8t Ofv Cotnrol Ojt Od Comtrol Ojut Odf Comntrol Oujt Ofd Conmtrol Oyt Cohtrol
Oyut Cohntrol Ouyt Conhtrol Outt Cojtrol Ou Cojntrol Out Conjtrol Ouf Cobtrol Ouft Cobntrol Outf Conbtrol
Ou5 Conttrol Ou5t Conrol Out5 Conrtol Ouh Confrol Conftrol Outh Contfrol Ouy Con5rol Con5trol
Outy Cont5rol Ou6 Conhrol Ou6t

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