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I Still Love You

If you take your love away from me,
take the emptiness inside of me,
take the tears from my eyes,
the sun in the sky
Give me back my heart
even though it's broken in two
I still love you
I still love you

I got your letter
and I read every line
I even showed it to my friends

First love is the sweetest,
why'd we have to throw it all away?
First love is the deepest love of all

If you take your love away from me,
take the emptiness inside of me,
take the tears from my eyes,
the sun in the sky
Give me back my heart
even though it's broken in two
I still love you
I still love you

I think about you
every night and every day
I can't get you off my mind

First love is the sweetest,
why'd we have to throw it all away?
First love is the deepest love of all

If you take your love away from me,
take the emptiness inside of me,
take the tears from my eyes,
the sun in the sky
Give me back my heart
even though it's broken in two
I still love you
I still love you...

Mirror lyrics:

I still love you...
I still love you
even though it's broken in two
Give me back my heart
the sun in the sky
take the tears from my eyes,
take the emptiness inside of me,
If you take your love away from me,

First love is the deepest love of all
why'd we have to throw it all away?
First love is the sweetest,

I can't get you off my mind
every night and every day
I think about you

I still love you
I still love you
even though it's broken in two
Give me back my heart
the sun in the sky
take the tears from my eyes,
take the emptiness inside of me,
If you take your love away from me,

First love is the deepest love of all
why'd we have to throw it all away?
First love is the sweetest,

I even showed it to my friends
and I read every line
I got your letter

I still love you
I still love you
even though it's broken in two
Give me back my heart
the sun in the sky
take the tears from my eyes,
take the emptiness inside of me,
If you take your love away from me,

Relevant Tags:
II SStill LLove YYou till ove ou I tSill oLve oYu j ztill kove gou jI zStill kLove gYou Ij Sztill Lkove Ygou 9 wtill oove hou
9I wStill oLove hYou I9 Swtill Loove Yhou l dtill pove 6ou lI dStill pLove 6You Il Sdtill Lpove Y6ou o etill uou oI eStill Lve uYou
Io Setill Lvoe Yuou k xtill Lkve 7ou kI xStill 7You Ik Sxtill Lokve Y7ou 8 atill L9ve jou 8I aStill L9ove jYou I8 Satill Lo9ve Yjou
u Sttill L0ve tou uI Sill L0ove tYou Iu Sitll Lo0ve Ytou Sfill Llve Yoou Sftill Llove Yu Stfill Lolve Yuo S5ill Live Yku
S5till Liove Ykou St5ill Loive Yoku Shill Lovve Y9u Shtill Loe Y9ou Sthill Loev Yo9u Syill Lobe Y0u Sytill Lobve Y0ou
Styill Lovbe Yo0u S6ill Loce Ylu S6till Locve Ylou St6ill Lovce Yolu Sgill Loge Yiu Sgtill Logve Yiou Stgill Lovge Yoiu

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