Kupidz Aro
It started happening last December
Near her birthday as I remember
Friends we were for so many years
Sharing laughter we were sharing tears
She had somebody and so did I
Suddenly that passed us by
Nearing Christmas we went to shop
Later on we made a stop
Share a meal and share some talk
Suddenly she said take a walk
She had somebody and so did I
Suddenly that passed us by
Watching skaters down at the rink
Hand in hand it made us think
She stood so close I couldn't speak
Suddenly my legs got weak
I looked at her she looked at me
And in her eyes what did I see
It came as a surprise when I looked into those eyes
The look of a wanton woman wanting me haunting me
We couldn't help it I had to hold her
Suddenly warm and I felt bolder
Cupids arrow I felt the impact
Fantasy was becoming fact
Hand in hand and suddenly knowing
It was love that we were showing
Getting closer and closer it seemed
Feeling like it was all a dream
Tender kisses touch my lips
With my hands down at her hips
Hand in hand and suddenly knowing
It was love that we were showing
Now I guess that you've heard the story
We can't say that we are sorry
Sharing lives the good the bad
Yes indeed I'm a lucky lad
I look at her she looks at me
And in her eyes I always see
It comes as no surprise when I look into her eyes
The look of a wanton woman wanting me haunting me
The look of a wanton woman wanting me haunting me
It comes as no surprise when I look into her eyes
And in her eyes I always see
I look at her she looks at me
Yes indeed I'm a lucky lad
Sharing lives the good the bad
We can't say that we are sorry
Now I guess that you've heard the story
It was love that we were showing
Hand in hand and suddenly knowing
With my hands down at her hips
Tender kisses touch my lips
Feeling like it was all a dream
Getting closer and closer it seemed
It was love that we were showing
Hand in hand and suddenly knowing
Fantasy was becoming fact
Cupids arrow I felt the impact
Suddenly warm and I felt bolder
We couldn't help it I had to hold her
The look of a wanton woman wanting me haunting me
It came as a surprise when I looked into those eyes
And in her eyes what did I see
I looked at her she looked at me
Suddenly my legs got weak
She stood so close I couldn't speak
Hand in hand it made us think
Watching skaters down at the rink
Suddenly that passed us by
She had somebody and so did I
Suddenly she said take a walk
Share a meal and share some talk
Later on we made a stop
Nearing Christmas we went to shop
Suddenly that passed us by
She had somebody and so did I
Sharing laughter we were sharing tears
Friends we were for so many years
Near her birthday as I remember
It started happening last December
KKupidz AAro |
| upidz ro |
| uKpidz rAo |
| lupidz zro |
| lKupidz zAro |
| Klupidz Azro |
| oupidz qro |
| oKupidz qAro |
| Koupidz Aqro |
| mupidz sro |
| mKupidz sAro |
Kmupidz Asro |
| jupidz wro |
| jKupidz wAro |
| Kjupidz Awro |
| iupidz xro |
| iKupidz xAro |
| Kiupidz Axro |
| Kuupidz Arro |
| Kpidz Ao |
| Kpuidz Aor |
| Khpidz Ado |
Khupidz Adro |
| Kuhpidz Ardo |
| K7pidz A4o |
| K7upidz A4ro |
| Ku7pidz Ar4o |
| Kkpidz Ago |
| Kkupidz Agro |
| Kukpidz Argo |
| Kipidz Ato |
| Atro |
| Kuipidz Arto |
K8pidz A5o |
| K8upidz A5ro |
| Ku8pidz Ar5o |
| Kjpidz Afo |
| Afro |
| Kujpidz Arfo |
| Kypidz Aeo |
| Kyupidz Aero |
| Kuypidz Areo |
| Kuppidz Aroo |
| Kuidz Ar |
Kuipdz Aro |
| Ku0idz Ark |
| Ku0pidz Arko |
| Kup0idz Arok |
| Kulidz Ar9 |
| Kulpidz Ar9o |
| Kuplidz Aro9 |
| Kuoidz Ar0 |
| Kuopidz Ar0o |