Ray Lamontagne
For The Summer

Rollin' through these hills I've known I'd be comin'
Ain't a man alive that likes to be alone?
Been a while since I seen my lady smilin'
Have I been, have I been away so long?

I am tired
I am tired

Can I come home for the summer?
I could slow down for a little while
Get back to loving each other
Leave all those long and lonesome miles behind

Through the years I have learned
Some things worth the tellin'
And you'd be right in guessin'
That each and every lesson they were hard won

I am tired
I am tired

Can I come home for the summer?
I could slow down for a little while
Get back to loving each other
Leave all those long and lonesome miles behind

You'll follow her wherever she goes
You love her and you just wanted to know
That you'll follow her, you'll find a way
'Cause you love her and you just wanted to know

Mirror lyrics:

'Cause you love her and you just wanted to know
That you'll follow her, you'll find a way
You love her and you just wanted to know
You'll follow her wherever she goes

Leave all those long and lonesome miles behind
Get back to loving each other
I could slow down for a little while
Can I come home for the summer?

I am tired
I am tired

That each and every lesson they were hard won
And you'd be right in guessin'
Some things worth the tellin'
Through the years I have learned

Leave all those long and lonesome miles behind
Get back to loving each other
I could slow down for a little while
Can I come home for the summer?

I am tired
I am tired

Have I been, have I been away so long?
Been a while since I seen my lady smilin'
Ain't a man alive that likes to be alone?
Rollin' through these hills I've known I'd be comin'

Relevant Tags:
FFor TThe SSummer or he ummer oFr hTe uSmmer cor fhe zummer cFor fThe zSummer Fcor Tfhe Szummer ror 5he wummer rFor 5The wSummer
Fror T5he Swummer gor hhe dummer gFor hThe dSummer Fgor Thhe Sdummer tor yhe eummer tFor yThe eSummer Ftor Tyhe Seummer vor 6he xummer
vFor 6The xSummer Fvor T6he Sxummer dor ghe aummer dFor gThe aSummer Fdor Tghe Saummer Foor rhe Suummer Fr rThe Smmer Fro Trhe Smumer
Fkr Shmmer Fkor Te Shummer Fokr Teh Suhmmer F9r Tje S7mmer F9or Tjhe S7ummer Fo9r Thje Su7mmer F0r Tue Skmmer F0or Tuhe Skummer
Fo0r Thue Sukmmer Flr Tne Simmer Flor Tnhe Siummer Folr Thne Suimmer Fir Tbe S8mmer Fior Tbhe S8ummer Foir Thbe Su8mmer Forr Tge Sjmmer
Fo Sjummer For Thge Sujmmer Fod Tye Symmer Fodr Syummer Ford Thye Suymmer Fo4 Thee Summmer Fo4r Th Sumer For4 The Summer
Fog Ths Sujmer Fogr Thse Forg Thes Sumjmer Fot Th3 Sukmer

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