Ray Davies
In A Moment

Sunlight and the city is barely awake
As all the early morning drifters make their way
Headlights in the distance, too bright for my eyes
Still I love the dusk, the dawn, between times
They are mine

'Cos you can't tell if it's day or night
Do we see the moon or the sunlight?
Everything around is so transitional
Momentary lapse of rational

Walking past the writing on the wall
Something apocalyptic
Then a momentary lapse of faith
Before I become more optimistic

Like a momentary loss of sight
Fleetingly it went so wrong from right
In a second it can change from night to day
Any second love can turn to hate

Sunlight and the city is barely awake
As all the seconds in our lifetime drift away
So live every moment and hold me so tight
A second changes day to night

I had a momentary loss of sight
Fleetingly it went so wrong from right
In a second you would change your point of view
In my hesitation I lost you

It only takes a moment sometimes
The difference between joy and pain
In a second you can look away
Turn around to find it's all changed

Because you can't tell if it's day or night
Do we see the moon or the sunlight?
Everything around is so transitional
Momentary lapse of rational

Like a momentary loss of sight
Fleetingly it went from dark to light
In a second it can change from night to day
But in a moment hope will find the way

Mirror lyrics:

But in a moment hope will find the way
In a second it can change from night to day
Fleetingly it went from dark to light
Like a momentary loss of sight

Momentary lapse of rational
Everything around is so transitional
Do we see the moon or the sunlight?
Because you can't tell if it's day or night

Turn around to find it's all changed
In a second you can look away
The difference between joy and pain
It only takes a moment sometimes

In my hesitation I lost you
In a second you would change your point of view
Fleetingly it went so wrong from right
I had a momentary loss of sight

A second changes day to night
So live every moment and hold me so tight
As all the seconds in our lifetime drift away
Sunlight and the city is barely awake

Any second love can turn to hate
In a second it can change from night to day
Fleetingly it went so wrong from right
Like a momentary loss of sight

Before I become more optimistic
Then a momentary lapse of faith
Something apocalyptic
Walking past the writing on the wall

Momentary lapse of rational
Everything around is so transitional
Do we see the moon or the sunlight?
'Cos you can't tell if it's day or night

They are mine
Still I love the dusk, the dawn, between times
Headlights in the distance, too bright for my eyes
As all the early morning drifters make their way
Sunlight and the city is barely awake

Relevant Tags:
IIn AA MMoment n oment nI A oMment jn z joment jIn zA jMoment Ijn Az Mjoment 9n q koment 9In qA kMoment I9n Aq Mkoment ln s noment
lIn sA nMoment Iln As Mnoment on w Mooment oIn wA Mment Ion Aw Mmoent kn x Mkment kIn xA Ikn Ax Mokment 8n M9ment 8In M9oment
I8n Mo9ment un M0ment uIn M0oment Iun Mo0ment Inn Mlment I Mloment In Molment Im Miment Imn Mioment Inm Moiment
Ih Momment Ihn Moent Inh Moemnt Ij Mojent Mojment Inj Momjent Ib Mokent Ibn Inb Momkent Monent
Monment Momnent Momeent Momnt Momnet Momsnt Momsent Momesnt Mom3nt Mom3ent

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