Ray Boltz
Take Up Your Cross

Take up your cross
And follow Jesus
Take up your cross everyday
Don't be ashamed to say that you know me
Count the cost and take up your cross and follow Him

I wanna talk to about something now
What are ya' doin'
For the King
Have ya really given
everything for the one who gave his All for you
Don't you be satisfied
Just to know
That the Lord who saved your soul
Have you forgotten what you need to do.

Take up your cross
And follow Jesus
Take up your cross everyday
Don't be ashamed to say that you know Him
Count the cost and take up your cross and follow Him
Take up your cross
And follow Jesus
Take up your cross everyday
Don't be ashamed to say that you know Him
Count the cost then take up your cross and follow Him
Count the cost then take up your cross and follow Him


And I know sometimes that the road is long
And I know sometimes that you feel like you can't go on
But you Just .......
You can…

Take up your cross
And follow Jesus
Take up your cross everyday
Don't be ashamed to say that you know Him
Count the cost and take up your cross and follow Him
Take up your cross
And follow Jesus
Take up your cross everyday
Don't be ashamed to say that you know Him
Count the cost and take up your cross and follow Him
Take up your cross
And follow Jesus

Mirror lyrics:

And follow Jesus
Take up your cross
Count the cost and take up your cross and follow Him
Don't be ashamed to say that you know Him
Take up your cross everyday
And follow Jesus
Take up your cross
Count the cost and take up your cross and follow Him
Don't be ashamed to say that you know Him
Take up your cross everyday
And follow Jesus
Take up your cross

You can…
But you Just .......
And I know sometimes that you feel like you can't go on
And I know sometimes that the road is long


Count the cost then take up your cross and follow Him
Count the cost then take up your cross and follow Him
Don't be ashamed to say that you know Him
Take up your cross everyday
And follow Jesus
Take up your cross
Count the cost and take up your cross and follow Him
Don't be ashamed to say that you know Him
Take up your cross everyday
And follow Jesus
Take up your cross

Have you forgotten what you need to do.
That the Lord who saved your soul
Just to know
Don't you be satisfied
everything for the one who gave his All for you
Have ya really given
For the King
What are ya' doin'
I wanna talk to about something now

Count the cost and take up your cross and follow Him
Don't be ashamed to say that you know me
Take up your cross everyday
And follow Jesus
Take up your cross

Relevant Tags:
TTake UUp YYour CCross ake p our ross aTke pU oYur rCoss fake hp gour fross fTake hUp gYour fCross Tfake Uhp Ygour Cfross
5ake 7p hour xross 5Take 7Up hYour xCross T5ake U7p Yhour Cxross hake kp 6our vross hTake kUp 6Your vCross Thake Ukp Y6our Cvross
yake ip uour dross yTake iUp uYour dCross Tyake Uip Yuour Cdross 6ake 8p 7our Crross 6Take 8Up 7Your Coss T6ake U8p Y7our Corss
gake jp jour Cdoss gTake jUp jYour Tgake Ujp Yjour Crdoss rake yp tour C4oss rTake yUp tYour C4ross Trake Uyp Ytour Cr4oss
Taake Upp Yoour Cgoss Tke U Yur Cgross Tkae Up Yuor Crgoss Tzke U0 Ykur Ctoss Tzake U0p Ykour Ctross Tazke Up0 Yokur Crtoss
Tqke Ul Y9ur C5oss Tqake Ulp Y9our C5ross Taqke Upl Yo9ur Cr5oss Tske Uo Y0ur Cfoss Tsake Uop Y0our Taske Upo Yo0ur Crfoss
Twke Ylur Ceoss Twake Ylour Ceross Tawke Yolur Creoss Txke Yiur Crooss Txake Yiour Crss Taxke Yoiur Crsos
Takke Youur Crkss Tae Yor Crkoss

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