Ray Price
All Right (i'll Sign The Papers)

(Mel Tillis)

I've tried so hard to keep our home alive
But you don't even know that I'm around
You tell me that somehow our love has died
And you'd rather be set free than be tied down.

All right I'll sign the papers
Even though you know I love you so
All right I'll sign the papers
But oh, how it hurts to see you go.

--- Instrumental ---

I've laid awake at nights when you were gone
And thought of all the things that I could do
To try and make you happy when you come home
But the more I try the more you make me blue.

All right I'll sign the papers
Even though you know I love you so
All right I'll sign the papers
But oh, how it hurts to see you go...

Mirror lyrics:

But oh, how it hurts to see you go...
All right I'll sign the papers
Even though you know I love you so
All right I'll sign the papers

But the more I try the more you make me blue.
To try and make you happy when you come home
And thought of all the things that I could do
I've laid awake at nights when you were gone

--- Instrumental ---

But oh, how it hurts to see you go.
All right I'll sign the papers
Even though you know I love you so
All right I'll sign the papers

And you'd rather be set free than be tied down.
You tell me that somehow our love has died
But you don't even know that I'm around
I've tried so hard to keep our home alive

(Mel Tillis)

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AAll RRight ((i'll SSign TThe PPapers) ll ight i'll ign he apers) lAl iRght i('ll iSgn hTe aPpers) zll dight (ii'll zign fhe 0apers) zAll dRight ('ll zSign fThe 0Papers)
Azll Rdight ('ill Szign Tfhe P0apers) qll 4ight (j'll wign 5he lapers) qAll 4Right (ji'll wSign 5The lPapers) Aqll R4ight (ij'll Swign T5he Plapers) sll gight (9'll dign hhe oapers)
sAll gRight (9i'll dSign hThe oPapers) Asll Rgight (i9'll Sdign Thhe Poapers) wll tight (l'll eign yhe Paapers) wAll tRight (li'll eSign yThe Ppers) Awll Rtight (il'll Seign Tyhe Ppaers)
xll 5ight (o'll xign 6he Pzpers) xAll 5Right (oi'll xSign 6The Pzapers) Axll R5ight (io'll Sxign T6he Pazpers) Alll fight (k'll aign ghe Pqpers) Al fRight (ki'll aSign gThe Pqapers)
All Rfight (ik'll Saign Tghe Paqpers) Akl eight (8'll Siign rhe Pspers) Akll eRight (8i'll Sgn rThe Psapers) Alkl Reight (i8'll Sgin Trhe Paspers) Aol Riight (u'll Sjgn Pwpers)
Aoll Rght (ui'll Sjign Te Pwapers) Alol Rgiht (iu'll Sijgn Teh Pawpers) Apl Rjght (i''ll S9gn Tje Pxpers) Apll Rjight (ill S9ign Tjhe Pxapers) Alpl Rijght (il'l Si9gn Thje Paxpers)
R9ght (i'lll Slgn Tue Pappers) R9ight (i'l Slign Tuhe Paers) Ri9ght (i'll Silgn Thue Paeprs) Alk Rlght (i'kl Sogn Tne Pa0ers) Rlight (i'kll Soign Tnhe Pa0pers)
Allk Rilght (i'lkl Siogn Thne Pap0ers) Alo Roght (i'ol Skgn Tbe Palers) Roight (i'oll Skign Tbhe Palpers) Allo Rioght (i'lol Sikgn Thbe Paplers) Alp Rkght (i'pl S8gn Tge Paoers)
Rkight (i'pll S8ign Paopers) Allp Rikght (i'lpl Si8gn Thge Papoers) R8ght Sugn Tye Papeers) R8ight Suign Paprs) Ri8ght Siugn Thye Papres)
Rught (i'lk Siggn Thee Papsrs) Ruight Sin Th Papsers) Riught (i'llk Sing The Papesrs) Rigght (i'lo Sihn Ths Pap3rs) Riht Sihgn Thse Pap3ers)
Rihgt (i'llo Sighn Thes Pape3rs) Rihht (i'lp Siyn Th3 Papfrs) Rihght Siygn Th3e Papfers) Righht (i'llp Sigyn The3 Papefrs)

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