Cardboard Boxes

Got up in the morning

To find myself a future

In the Sunday classifieds

But then I spilled my coffee

And then the telephone was ringing

Guess I got distracted

But hey at least I tried

And there's just oh so many hours in a day

And oh so many little things get in the way

Like who's on Oprah and Rosie

I think my bed it too 'causey

Yeah that must be it

The reason I can't motivate


Gotta get a life


Gotta get it soon

'Cause rent is due

And cardboard boxes ain't cool

Get up Monday make an afternoon appointment

Fix my hair as best I can

And then I ride on over but

By the time I get there

"The job's been filled dear

But thanks again"

And there's just oh so many reasons they can find

You're always either under or over-qualified

So who's on Oprah and Rosie

I'll go back to be where it's 'causey

Yeah that's my plan

Maybe next week try again


Gotta get a life


Gotta get it soon

'Cause rent is due

And cardboard boxes ain't cool

Hours pass and the days go by

And I still haven't done a thing

And I'm not proud of my laziness

But life can be discouraging


Gotta get a life


Gotta get it soon

'Cause rent is due

And cardboard boxes ain't cool

Mirror lyrics:

And cardboard boxes ain't cool

'Cause rent is due

Gotta get it soon


Gotta get a life


But life can be discouraging

And I'm not proud of my laziness

And I still haven't done a thing

Hours pass and the days go by

And cardboard boxes ain't cool

'Cause rent is due

Gotta get it soon


Gotta get a life


Maybe next week try again

Yeah that's my plan

I'll go back to be where it's 'causey

So who's on Oprah and Rosie

You're always either under or over-qualified

And there's just oh so many reasons they can find

But thanks again"

"The job's been filled dear

By the time I get there

And then I ride on over but

Fix my hair as best I can

Get up Monday make an afternoon appointment

And cardboard boxes ain't cool

'Cause rent is due

Gotta get it soon


Gotta get a life


The reason I can't motivate

Yeah that must be it

I think my bed it too 'causey

Like who's on Oprah and Rosie

And oh so many little things get in the way

And there's just oh so many hours in a day

But hey at least I tried

Guess I got distracted

And then the telephone was ringing

But then I spilled my coffee

In the Sunday classifieds

To find myself a future

Got up in the morning

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CCardboard BBoxes ardboard oxes aCrdboard oBxes fardboard voxes fCardboard vBoxes Cfardboard Bvoxes xardboard goxes
xCardboard gBoxes Cxardboard Bgoxes vardboard noxes vCardboard nBoxes Cvardboard Bnoxes dardboard hoxes dCardboard hBoxes
Cdardboard Bhoxes Caardboard Booxes Crdboard Bxes Cradboard Bxoes Czrdboard Bkxes Czardboard Bkoxes Cazrdboard Bokxes
Cqrdboard B9xes Cqardboard B9oxes Caqrdboard Bo9xes Csrdboard B0xes Csardboard B0oxes Casrdboard Bo0xes Cwrdboard Blxes
Cwardboard Bloxes Cawrdboard Bolxes Cxrdboard Bixes Bioxes Caxrdboard Boixes Carrdboard Boxxes Cadboard Boes
Cadrboard Boexs Caddboard Bodes Cadrdboard Bodxes Carddboard Boxdes Ca4dboard Bozes Ca4rdboard Bozxes Car4dboard Boxzes
Cagdboard Boces Cagrdboard Bocxes Cargdboard Boxces Catdboard Boses Catrdboard Bosxes Cartdboard Boxses Ca5dboard Boxees
Ca5rdboard Boxs Car5dboard Boxse Cafdboard Boxss Cafrdboard Carfdboard Boxess Caedboard Box3s Caerdboard Box3es
Caredboard Boxe3s Boxfs Carboard Boxfes Carbdoard Boxefs Carxboard Boxrs Carxdboard Boxres Cardxboard Boxers
Careboard Box4s Box4es Cardeboard Boxe4s Carfboard Boxds Cardfboard Boxeds Carrboard Boxws Boxwes
Cardrboard Boxews Carcboard Carcdboard Boxe Cardcboard Boxes Carsboard Boxez Carsdboard Boxezs Cardsboard Boxesz
Cardbboard Boxew Cardoard Cardobard Boxesw Cardvoard Boxed Cardvboard

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