Rebecca St. James
More Than The Watchman

Out of the depths of my despair
Oh I cry Father hear my voice
Open Your ears to hear my mercy cry
And if You kept a book of sin
Oh Father, who'd be standing?
But in Your goodness there is mercy and forgiveness

More than the watchmen wait for morning
My soul it waits for You
More than the watchmen wait for morning
More than the watchmen wait for morning
My soul it waits for You
More than the watchmen wait for morning

Mirror lyrics:

More than the watchmen wait for morning
My soul it waits for You
More than the watchmen wait for morning
More than the watchmen wait for morning
My soul it waits for You
More than the watchmen wait for morning

But in Your goodness there is mercy and forgiveness
Oh Father, who'd be standing?
And if You kept a book of sin
Open Your ears to hear my mercy cry
Oh I cry Father hear my voice
Out of the depths of my despair

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MMore TThan TThe WWatchman ore han he atchman oMre hTan hTe aWtchman jore fhan fhe aatchman jMore fThan fThe aWatchman Mjore Tfhan Tfhe Waatchman
kore 5han 5he 3atchman kMore 5Than 5The 3Watchman Mkore T5han T5he W3atchman nore hhan hhe datchman nMore hThan hThe dWatchman Mnore Thhan Thhe Wdatchman
Moore yhan yhe eatchman Mre yThan yThe eWatchman Mroe Tyhan Tyhe Weatchman Mkre 6han 6he satchman 6Than 6The sWatchman Mokre T6han T6he Wsatchman
M9re ghan ghe 2atchman M9ore gThan gThe 2Watchman Mo9re Tghan Tghe W2atchman M0re rhan rhe qatchman M0ore rThan rThe qWatchman Mo0re Trhan Trhe Wqatchman
Mlre Mlore Tan Te Wtchman Molre Tahn Teh Wtachman Mire Tjan Tje Wztchman Miore Tjhan Tjhe Wzatchman Moire Thjan Thje Waztchman
Morre Tuan Tue Wqtchman Moe Tuhan Tuhe Moer Thuan Thue Waqtchman Mode Tnan Tne Wstchman Modre Tnhan Tnhe Morde Thnan Thne Wastchman
Mo4e Tban Tbe Wwtchman Mo4re Tbhan Tbhe Wwatchman Mor4e Thban Thbe Wawtchman Moge Tgan Tge Wxtchman Mogre Wxatchman Morge Thgan Thge Waxtchman
Mote Tyan Tye Wattchman Motre Wachman Morte Thyan Thye Wacthman Mo5e Thaan Thee Wafchman Mo5re Thn Th Waftchman Mor5e Thna The Watfchman
Mofe Thzn Ths Wa5chman Mofre Thzan Thse Wa5tchman Morfe Thazn Thes Wat5chman Moee Thqn Th3 Wahchman Moere Thqan Th3e Wahtchman Moree Thaqn The3 Wathchman
Thsn Thf Waychman Mor Thsan Thfe Waytchman More Thasn Thef Watychman Mors Thwn Thr Wa6chman Morse Thwan Thre Wa6tchman Mores Thawn Ther Wat6chman
Mor3 Thxn Th4 Wagchman Mor3e Thxan Th4e Wagtchman More3 Thaxn The4 Watgchman Morf Thann Thd Warchman Tha Thde Wartchman Moref Than Thed Watrchman
Morr Tham Thw Watcchman Thamn Thwe Wathman Morer Thanm Thew Wathcman Mor4 Thah Watfhman Thahn

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