Rebecca St. James
Jesus Loves The Little Children

Jesus loves the little children
All the children of the world
Red brown yellow, black or white
They are precious in his sight
Jesus loves the little children of the world

Whether you're rich or whether you're poor, it matters not to Him
He remembers where you're going, not where you've been


If your heart is troubled, don't worry, don't you fret
He knows that you have heard His call, and He won't forget


All around the world tonight, His children rest assured
That He will watch and He will keep us, safe and secure


Mirror lyrics:


That He will watch and He will keep us, safe and secure
All around the world tonight, His children rest assured


He knows that you have heard His call, and He won't forget
If your heart is troubled, don't worry, don't you fret


He remembers where you're going, not where you've been
Whether you're rich or whether you're poor, it matters not to Him

Jesus loves the little children of the world
They are precious in his sight
Red brown yellow, black or white
All the children of the world
Jesus loves the little children

Relevant Tags:
JJesus LLoves TThe LLittle CChildren esus oves he ittle hildren eJsus oLves hTe iLttle hCildren kesus koves fhe kittle fhildren kJesus kLoves fThe kLittle fChildren
Jkesus Lkoves Tfhe Lkittle Cfhildren iesus ooves 5he oittle xhildren iJesus oLoves 5The oLittle xChildren Jiesus Looves T5he Loittle Cxhildren mesus poves hhe pittle vhildren
mJesus pLoves hThe pLittle vChildren Jmesus Lpoves Thhe Lpittle Cvhildren nesus yhe Liittle dhildren nJesus Lves yThe Lttle dChildren Jnesus Lvoes Tyhe Ltitle Cdhildren
hesus Lkves 6he Ljttle Chhildren hJesus 6The Ljittle Cildren Jhesus Lokves T6he Lijttle Cihldren uesus L9ves ghe L9ttle Cjildren uJesus L9oves gThe L9ittle Cjhildren
Juesus Lo9ves Tghe Li9ttle Chjildren Jeesus L0ves rhe Llttle Cuildren Jsus L0oves rThe Llittle Cuhildren Jseus Lo0ves Trhe Lilttle Chuildren Jssus Llves Lottle Cnildren
Jsesus Lloves Te Cnhildren Jessus Lolves Teh Liottle Chnildren J3sus Lives Tje Lkttle Cbildren J3esus Lioves Tjhe Cbhildren Je3sus Loives Thje Likttle Chbildren
Jfsus Lovves Tue L8ttle Cgildren Jfesus Loes Tuhe L8ittle Cghildren Jefsus Loevs Thue Li8ttle Chgildren Jrsus Lobes Tne Luttle Cyildren Jresus Lobves Tnhe Luittle Cyhildren
Jersus Lovbes Thne Liuttle Chyildren J4sus Loces Tbe Litttle Chiildren J4esus Locves Tbhe Litle Chldren Je4sus Lovces Thbe Little Chlidren Jdsus Loges Tge Liftle Chjldren
Jdesus Logves Lifttle Jedsus Lovges Thge Litftle Chijldren Jwsus Lofes Tye Li5tle Ch9ldren Jwesus Lofves Li5ttle Ch9ildren Jewsus Lovfes Thye Lit5tle Chi9ldren
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Jexus Lov4s Th4 Jexsus Lov4es Th4e Chidren Jesxus Love4s The4 Litlte Chidlren Jeaus Lovds Thd Litfle Chikdren Jeasus Lovdes Thde
Jesaus Loveds Thed Littfle Chilkdren Jesuus Lovws Thw Lit5le Chiodren Jess Lovwes Thwe Jessu Lovews Thew Litt5le Chilodren Jeshs Lithle Chipdren
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