It's Gonna Be Alright

To our fans far and near
We're so glad you could all be here
And when life get so-oh-oh hard
You make it all worthwhile
Screaming, shouting, wham-slam-bam
Now wild hair is back in style

This is dedicated to our fans across the world
You're the best, most loyalist, and that's for sure
When life gets oh so frustrating
You make it all worthwhile
Gonna have some fun tonight
Ain't it great to be alive

It's gonna be OK
It's gonna be alright
It's gonna be that you're the only ones who understand

Got good feelings about this year
All is very well, C.J. is here
'92 spells more fun, let's get into gear
It's the year of the monkey, gonna be real funky
Buy yourself a beer

It's gonna be OK
It's gonna be alright
It's gonna be that you're the only ones who understand

It's gonna be alright

It's gonna be OK, yeah, yeah
It's gonna be alright, uh, huh
It's gonna be that you're the only ones who understand

Who understand

It's gonna be alright
It's gonna be OK
It's gonna be alright
It's gonna be alright

Mirror lyrics:

It's gonna be alright
It's gonna be alright
It's gonna be OK
It's gonna be alright

Who understand

It's gonna be that you're the only ones who understand
It's gonna be alright, uh, huh
It's gonna be OK, yeah, yeah

It's gonna be alright

It's gonna be that you're the only ones who understand
It's gonna be alright
It's gonna be OK

Buy yourself a beer
It's the year of the monkey, gonna be real funky
'92 spells more fun, let's get into gear
All is very well, C.J. is here
Got good feelings about this year

It's gonna be that you're the only ones who understand
It's gonna be alright
It's gonna be OK

Ain't it great to be alive
Gonna have some fun tonight
You make it all worthwhile
When life gets oh so frustrating
You're the best, most loyalist, and that's for sure
This is dedicated to our fans across the world

Now wild hair is back in style
Screaming, shouting, wham-slam-bam
You make it all worthwhile
And when life get so-oh-oh hard
We're so glad you could all be here
To our fans far and near

Relevant Tags:
IIt's GGonna BBe AAlright t's onna e lright tI's oGnna eB lAright jt's honna ve zlright jIt's hGonna vBe zAlright Ijt's Ghonna Bve Azlright
9t's yonna ge qlright 9It's yGonna gBe qAlright I9t's Gyonna Bge Aqlright lt's bonna ne slright lIt's bGonna nBe sAlright Ilt's Gbonna Bne Aslright
ot's vonna he wlright oIt's vGonna hBe wAlright Iot's Gvonna Bhe Awlright kt's fonna Bee xlright kIt's fGonna B xAlright Ikt's Gfonna Be Axlright
8t's tonna Bs Allright 8It's tGonna Bse Aright I8t's Gtonna Bes Arlight ut's Goonna B3 Akright uIt's Gnna B3e Aklright Iut's Gnona Be3 Alkright
Itt's Gknna Bf Aoright I's Gkonna Bfe Aolright I'ts Goknna Bef Aloright If's G9nna Br Apright Ift's G9onna Bre Aplright Itf's Go9nna Ber Alpright
I5's G0nna B4 Alrright I5t's G0onna B4e Alight It5's Go0nna Be4 Alirght Ih's Glnna Bd Aldight Iht's Glonna Bde Aldright Ith's Golnna Bed Alrdight
Iy's Ginna Bw Al4ight Iyt's Gionna Bwe Al4right Ity's Goinna Bew Alr4ight I6's Gonnna Algight I6t's Gona Algright It6's Gonna Alrgight
Ig's Gomna Altight Igt's Gomnna Altright Itg's Gonmna Alrtight Ir's Gohna Al5ight Irt's Gohnna Al5right Itr's Gonhna Alr5ight
It''s Gojna Alfight Its Gojnna Alfright Its' Gonjna Alrfight It'ss Gobna Aleight It' Gobnna Aleright It's Gonbna Alreight
It'z Alriight It'zs Alrght It'sz Gonan Alrgiht It'w Gonma Alrjght It'ws Alrjight It'sw Gonnma Alrijght
It'd Gonha Alr9ght It'ds Alr9ight It'sd Gonnha Alri9ght It'e Gonja Alrlght It'es Alrlight It'se Gonnja Alrilght
It'x Gonba Alroght It'xs Alroight It'sx Gonnba Alrioght

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