I'm Not Jesus

Don't wear a crown of thorns
Got no holes in my hand
Don't accuse me of that crime
Don't hang me up to dry

It's not me
It's not me
It's not me

Don't wanna die for your sins
Got no special powers
Sacrifice and sacrilege
Hey man, I wanna live

I'm not Jesus
I can't heal you

Taste my blood
It doesn't taste like wine
Can't you see
This cross isn't mine
Judas must die
For what he has done
Satan's watching
With his gun

It's not me
It's not me
It's not me

Father, Son and Holy Ghost
Say your prayers-it's your only hope
Twelve apostles can't help you now
I'll be back to stake my ground

I'm not Jesus
I can't heal you
I'm not Jesus
I can't heal you

Don't wear a crown of thorns
Got no holes in my hand
Don't accuse me of that crime
Don't hang me up to dry

I'm not Jesus
I can't heal you
I'm not Jesus
I can't heal you

Mirror lyrics:

I can't heal you
I'm not Jesus
I can't heal you
I'm not Jesus

Don't hang me up to dry
Don't accuse me of that crime
Got no holes in my hand
Don't wear a crown of thorns

I can't heal you
I'm not Jesus
I can't heal you
I'm not Jesus

I'll be back to stake my ground
Twelve apostles can't help you now
Say your prayers-it's your only hope
Father, Son and Holy Ghost

It's not me
It's not me
It's not me

With his gun
Satan's watching
For what he has done
Judas must die
This cross isn't mine
Can't you see
It doesn't taste like wine
Taste my blood

I can't heal you
I'm not Jesus

Hey man, I wanna live
Sacrifice and sacrilege
Got no special powers
Don't wanna die for your sins

It's not me
It's not me
It's not me

Don't hang me up to dry
Don't accuse me of that crime
Got no holes in my hand
Don't wear a crown of thorns

Relevant Tags:
II'm NNot JJesus 'm ot esus 'Im oNt eJsus j'm mot kesus jI'm mNot kJesus Ij'm Nmot Jkesus 9'm hot iesus 9I'm hNot iJesus I9'm Nhot Jiesus
l'm jot mesus lI'm jNot mJesus Il'm Njot Jmesus o'm bot nesus oI'm bNot nJesus Io'm Nbot Jnesus k'm Noot hesus kI'm Nt hJesus Ik'm Nto Jhesus
8'm Nkt uesus 8I'm Nkot uJesus I8'm Nokt Juesus u'm N9t Jeesus uI'm N9ot Jsus Iu'm No9t Jseus I''m N0t Jssus Im N0ot Jsesus Im' No0t Jessus
I'mm Nlt J3sus I' Nlot J3esus I'm Nolt Je3sus I'j Nit Jfsus I'jm Niot Jfesus I'mj Noit Jefsus I'k Nott Jrsus I'km No Jresus I'mk Not Jersus
I'n Nof J4sus I'nm Noft J4esus I'mn Notf Je4sus No5 Jdsus No5t Jdesus Not5 Jedsus Noh Jwsus Noht Jwesus Noth Jewsus
Noy Noyt Jeus Noty Jeuss No6 Jezus No6t Jezsus Not6 Jeszus Nog Jewus Nogt Notg Jeswus

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