I Don't Wanna Walk Around With You

I don't wanna walk around with you
I don't wanna walk around with you
I don't wanna walk around with you
So why you wanna walk around with me?
I don't wanna walk around with you.

I don't wanna go out with you
I don't wanna walk around with you
So why you wanna walk around with me?

Mirror lyrics:

So why you wanna walk around with me?
I don't wanna walk around with you
I don't wanna go out with you

I don't wanna walk around with you.
So why you wanna walk around with me?
I don't wanna walk around with you
I don't wanna walk around with you
I don't wanna walk around with you

Relevant Tags:
II DDon't WWanna WWalk AAround WWith YYou on't anna alk round ith ou I oDn't aWnna aWlk rAound iWth oYu j xon't aanna aalk zround aith gou jI xDon't aWanna aWalk zAround aWith gYou
Ij Dxon't Waanna Waalk Azround Waith Ygou 9 eon't 3anna 3alk qround 3ith hou 9I eDon't 3Wanna 3Walk qAround 3With hYou I9 Deon't W3anna W3alk Aqround W3ith Yhou l fon't danna dalk sround dith 6ou
lI fDon't dWanna dWalk sAround dWith 6You Il Dfon't Wdanna Wdalk Asround Wdith Y6ou o ron't eanna ealk wround eith uou oI rDon't eWanna eWalk wAround eWith uYou Io Dron't Weanna Wealk Awround Weith Yuou
k con't sanna salk xround sith 7ou kI cDon't sWanna sWalk xAround sWith 7You Ik Dcon't Wsanna Wsalk Axround Wsith Y7ou 8 son't 2anna 2alk Arround 2ith jou 8I sDon't 2Wanna 2Walk Aound 2With jYou
I8 Dson't W2anna W2alk Aorund W2ith Yjou u Doon't qanna qalk Adound qith tou uI Dn't qWanna qWalk Adround qWith tYou Iu Dno't Wqanna Wqalk Ardound Wqith Ytou Dkn't A4ound Wiith Yoou
Dkon't Wnna Wlk A4round Wth Yu Dokn't Wnana Wlak Ar4ound Wtih Yuo D9n't Wznna Wzlk Agound Wjth Yku D9on't Wzanna Wzalk Aground Wjith Ykou Do9n't Waznna Wazlk Argound Wijth Yoku
D0n't Wqnna Wqlk Atound W9th Y9u D0on't Atround W9ith Y9ou Do0n't Waqnna Waqlk Artound Wi9th Yo9u Dln't Wsnna Wslk A5ound Wlth Y0u Dlon't A5round Wlith Y0ou
Doln't Wasnna Waslk Ar5ound Wilth Yo0u Din't Wwnna Wwlk Afound Woth Ylu Dion't Wwanna Wwalk Afround Woith Ylou Doin't Wawnna Wawlk Arfound Wioth Yolu Donn't Wxnna Wxlk Aeound Wkth Yiu
Do't Wxanna Wxalk Aeround Wkith Yiou Do'nt Waxnna Waxlk Areound Wikth Yoiu Dom't Wannna Wallk Aroound W8th Youu Domn't Wana Wak Arund W8ith Yo Donm't Wanna Wakl Aruond Wi8th You
Doh't Wamna Wakk Arkund Wuth Yoh Dohn't Wamnna Waklk Arkound Wuith Yohu Donh't Wanmna Walkk Arokund Wiuth Youh Doj't Wahna Waok Ar9und Witth Yo7 Dojn't Wahnna Waolk Ar9ound Wih Yo7u
Donj't Wanhna Walok Aro9und Wiht You7 Dob't Wajna Wapk Ar0und Wifh Yok Dobn't Wajnna Waplk Ar0ound Wifth Donb't Wanjna Walpk Aro0und Witfh Youk Don''t Wabna Arlund Wi5h Yoi
Dont Wabnna Wal Arlound Wi5th Dont' Wanbna Walk Arolund Wit5h Youi Don'tt Wall Ariund Wihh Yo8

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