Randy Travis
Walk Our Own Road

Randy Travis & Kris Kristofferson

There's do'ers and don'ters and I wills and won'ters
and them, that don't even try
Givers and takers, movers and shakers
And them that are just passing by

Skidrows and winos and some folks that I know
That don't do like I think they should
I thought they were livin' their lifes all wrong
Long, before I understood

We all have to walk our own road
We can't always go where we're told
In the end where it'll end up - the Lord only knows
But we all have to walk our own road

I've had some good times and I've had a good life
And I've had things goin' my way
I've walked the highground and treasures that I've found
An' women who brightened my day

Then there were times I was caught in the crosswinds
With life - goin' 'round and around
Like a ship with no sails, I was caught in a gale
Til I fin'ly just ran it a-ground

We all have to walk our own road
We can't always go where we're told
In the end where it'll end up - the Lord only knows
But we all have to walk our own road

We all have to walk our own road
We can't always go where we're told
In the end where it'll end up - the Lord only knows
But we all have to walk our own road

Mirror lyrics:

But we all have to walk our own road
In the end where it'll end up - the Lord only knows
We can't always go where we're told
We all have to walk our own road

But we all have to walk our own road
In the end where it'll end up - the Lord only knows
We can't always go where we're told
We all have to walk our own road

Til I fin'ly just ran it a-ground
Like a ship with no sails, I was caught in a gale
With life - goin' 'round and around
Then there were times I was caught in the crosswinds

An' women who brightened my day
I've walked the highground and treasures that I've found
And I've had things goin' my way
I've had some good times and I've had a good life

But we all have to walk our own road
In the end where it'll end up - the Lord only knows
We can't always go where we're told
We all have to walk our own road

Long, before I understood
I thought they were livin' their lifes all wrong
That don't do like I think they should
Skidrows and winos and some folks that I know

And them that are just passing by
Givers and takers, movers and shakers
and them, that don't even try
There's do'ers and don'ters and I wills and won'ters

Randy Travis & Kris Kristofferson

Relevant Tags:
WWalk OOur OOwn RRoad alk ur wn oad aWlk uOr wOn oRad aalk kur kwn doad aWalk kOur kOwn dRoad Waalk Okur Okwn Rdoad
3alk 9ur 9wn 4oad 3Walk 9Our 9Own 4Road W3alk O9ur O9wn R4oad dalk 0ur 0wn goad dWalk 0Our 0Own gRoad Wdalk O0ur O0wn Rgoad
ealk lur lwn toad eWalk lOur lOwn tRoad Wealk Olur Olwn Rtoad salk iur iwn 5oad sWalk iOur iOwn 5Road Wsalk Oiur Oiwn R5oad
2alk Ouur Owwn foad 2Walk Or On fRoad W2alk Oru Onw Rfoad qalk Ohr Oan eoad qWalk Ohur Oawn eRoad Wqalk Ouhr Owan Reoad
O7r O3n Rooad Wlk O7ur O3wn Rad Wlak Ou7r Ow3n Raod Wzlk Okr Odn Rkad Wzalk Odwn Rkoad Wazlk Oukr Owdn Rokad
Wqlk Oir Oen R9ad Oewn R9oad Waqlk Ouir Owen Ro9ad Wslk O8r Osn R0ad O8ur Oswn R0oad Waslk Ou8r Owsn Ro0ad
Wwlk Ojr O2n Rlad Wwalk Ojur O2wn Rload Wawlk Oujr Ow2n Rolad Wxlk Oyr Oqn Riad

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