Randy Travis
Waiting On The Light To Change Featuring B.b. King

(BB King)
This old road
Has taken it's toll
I've been broke down
But now I'm back on the road
Got it in tthe gear
Sittin' on the go
Just waitin' on the light to change.

(Randy Travis)
I'm goin' places
Straight to the top
I'm all revved up
And my engines hot
Just temporarily
Come to stop
And I'm waitin' on the light to change.

I took a little detour
Wrong way down a one way street.

(B.B. King)
I had to learn the hard way
No shortcuts to easy street
I lose my way
Now and then
But better days
Are just around the bend.

(Randy Travis)
I'm gonna get myself movin' again
I'm just waitin' on the light to change.

(B.B. King)
I took a little detour
Wrong way down a one way street.

(Randy Travis)
I had to learn the hard way
No shortcuts to easy street.

(B.B. King)
Both my hands are on the wheel
My turn will come
I Know it will.

(Randy Travis)
From now on it's all downhill
I'm just waitin' on the light to change.

(B.B. King)
I'm just waitin' on the light to change.

(Randy Travis)
Things are moving up ahead for me now.

(B.B. King)
And I'm ready roll, I'm waitin'.

(Randy Travis)
I'm waitin' on the light to change...

Mirror lyrics:

I'm waitin' on the light to change...
(Randy Travis)

And I'm ready roll, I'm waitin'.
(B.B. King)

Things are moving up ahead for me now.
(Randy Travis)

I'm just waitin' on the light to change.
(B.B. King)

I'm just waitin' on the light to change.
From now on it's all downhill
(Randy Travis)

I Know it will.
My turn will come
Both my hands are on the wheel
(B.B. King)

No shortcuts to easy street.
I had to learn the hard way
(Randy Travis)

Wrong way down a one way street.
I took a little detour
(B.B. King)

I'm just waitin' on the light to change.
I'm gonna get myself movin' again
(Randy Travis)

Are just around the bend.
But better days
Now and then
I lose my way
No shortcuts to easy street
I had to learn the hard way
(B.B. King)

Wrong way down a one way street.
I took a little detour

And I'm waitin' on the light to change.
Come to stop
Just temporarily
And my engines hot
I'm all revved up
Straight to the top
I'm goin' places
(Randy Travis)

Just waitin' on the light to change.
Sittin' on the go
Got it in tthe gear
But now I'm back on the road
I've been broke down
Has taken it's toll
This old road
(BB King)

Relevant Tags:
WWaiting OOn TThe LLight TTo CChange FFeaturing BB.b. KKing aiting n he ight o hange eaturing .b. ing
aWiting nO hTe iLght oT hCange eFaturing .Bb. iKng aaiting kn fhe kight fo fhange ceaturing v.b. ling
aWaiting kOn fThe kLight fTo fChange cFeaturing vB.b. lKing Waaiting Okn Tfhe Lkight Tfo Cfhange Fceaturing Bv.b. Kling
3aiting 9n 5he oight 5o xhange reaturing g.b. oing 3Waiting 9On 5The oLight 5To xChange rFeaturing gB.b. oKing
W3aiting O9n T5he Loight T5o Cxhange Freaturing Bg.b. Koing daiting 0n hhe pight ho vhange geaturing n.b. ming
dWaiting 0On hThe pLight hTo vChange gFeaturing nB.b. mKing Wdaiting O0n Thhe Lpight Tho Cvhange Fgeaturing Bn.b. Kming
eaiting ln yhe Liight yo dhange teaturing h.b. jing eWaiting lOn yThe Lght yTo dChange tFeaturing hB.b. jKing
Weaiting Oln Tyhe Lgiht Tyo Cdhange Fteaturing Bh.b. Kjing saiting in 6he Ljght 6o Chhange veaturing B..b. iing
sWaiting iOn 6The Ljight 6To Cange vFeaturing Bb. iKing Wsaiting Oin T6he Lijght T6o Cahnge Fveaturing Bb.. Kiing
2aiting Onn ghe L9ght go Cjange deaturing B.bb. 2Waiting O gThe L9ight gTo Cjhange dFeaturing B.. Kng
W2aiting On Tghe Li9ght Tgo Chjange Fdeaturing B..b Knig qaiting Om rhe Llght ro Cuange Feeaturing B.v. Kjng
qWaiting Omn rThe Llight rTo Cuhange Faturing B.vb. Wqaiting Onm Trhe Lilght Tro Chuange Faeturing B.bv. Kijng
Oh Loght Too Cnange Fsaturing B.g. K9ng Witing Ohn Te T Cnhange Fseaturing B.gb. K9ing
Wiating Onh Teh Lioght To Chnange Fesaturing B.bg. Ki9ng Wziting Oj Tje Lkght Tk Cbange F3aturing B.n. Klng
Wzaiting Ojn Tjhe Tko Cbhange F3eaturing B.nb. Waziting Onj Thje Likght Tok Chbange Fe3aturing B.bn. Kilng
Wqiting Ob Tue L8ght T9 Cgange Ffaturing B.h. Kong Obn Tuhe L8ight T9o Cghange Ffeaturing B.hb.
Waqiting Onb Thue Li8ght To9 Chgange Fefaturing B.bh. Kiong Wsiting Tne Lught T0 Cyange Fraturing B.b.. Kkng
Tnhe Luight T0o Cyhange B.b Kking Wasiting Thne Liught To0 Chyange Feraturing B.b. Kikng
Wwiting Tbe Ligght Tl Chaange F4aturing K8ng Wwaiting Tbhe Liht Tlo Chnge F4eaturing K8ing
Wawiting Thbe Lihgt Tol Chnage Fe4aturing Ki8ng Wxiting Tge Lihht Ti Chznge Fdaturing Kung
Wxaiting Lihght Tio Chzange Kuing Waxiting Thge Lighht Toi Chaznge Fedaturing Kiung
Waiiting Tye Liyht Chqnge Fwaturing Kinng Wating Liyght Chqange Fweaturing Kig
Watiing Thye Ligyht Chaqnge Fewaturing Kign Wajting Thee Libht Chsnge Feaaturing Kimg
Wajiting Th Libght Chsange Feturing Kimng Waijting The Ligbht Chasnge Fetauring Kinmg
Wa9ting Ths Livht Chwnge Fezturing Kihg Wa9iting Thse Livght Chwange Fezaturing Kihng
Wai9ting Thes Ligvht Chawnge Feazturing Kinhg Walting Th3 Lifht Chxnge Feqturing Kijg
Waliting Th3e Lifght Chxange Feqaturing Wailting The3 Ligfht Chaxnge Feaqturing Kinjg
Waoting Thf Litht Channge Festuring Kibg Waoiting Thfe Litght Chage Kibng
Waioting Thef Ligtht Chagne Feasturing Kinbg Wakting Thr Chamge Fewturing Kingg
Wakiting Thre Ligt Chamnge Kin Waikting Ther Ligth Chanmge Feawturing King

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