Randy Travis
Once You've Heard The Truth

It was just like every other mornin'
The sun was shinin' and it was stormin'
They had words over breakfast
And he said something reckless
Just a solitary slip of the tongue
Another woman's name and it was done.

Once you've heard the truth
Stared it in the face
Once you've got the proof
There ain't no hiding place
It's like thunder crashing down
Or a freight train runnin' through you
Oh, you won't forget the sound
Once you've heard the truth

--- Instrumental ---

She threw her wedding ring
And it rolled across the floor
Oh, she didn't say a thing
But he heard that slammin' door

Once you've heard the truth
Stared it in the face
Once you've got the proof
There ain't no hiding place
It's like thunder crashing down
Or a freight train runnin' through you
Oh, you won't forget the sound
Once you've heard the truth

No you won't forget the sound
Once you've heard the truth
It was just like every other mornin'
The sun was shinin' and it was stormin'...

Mirror lyrics:

The sun was shinin' and it was stormin'...
It was just like every other mornin'
Once you've heard the truth
No you won't forget the sound

Once you've heard the truth
Oh, you won't forget the sound
Or a freight train runnin' through you
It's like thunder crashing down
There ain't no hiding place
Once you've got the proof
Stared it in the face
Once you've heard the truth

But he heard that slammin' door
Oh, she didn't say a thing
And it rolled across the floor
She threw her wedding ring

--- Instrumental ---

Once you've heard the truth
Oh, you won't forget the sound
Or a freight train runnin' through you
It's like thunder crashing down
There ain't no hiding place
Once you've got the proof
Stared it in the face
Once you've heard the truth

Another woman's name and it was done.
Just a solitary slip of the tongue
And he said something reckless
They had words over breakfast
The sun was shinin' and it was stormin'
It was just like every other mornin'

Relevant Tags:
OOnce YYou've HHeard TThe TTruth nce ou've eard he ruth nOce oYu've eHard hTe rTuth knce gou've jeard fhe fruth kOnce gYou've jHeard fThe fTruth
Oknce Ygou've Hjeard Tfhe Tfruth 9nce hou've ueard 5he 5ruth 9Once hYou've uHeard 5The 5Truth O9nce Yhou've Hueard T5he T5ruth 0nce 6ou've neard hhe hruth
0Once 6You've nHeard hThe hTruth O0nce Y6ou've Hneard Thhe Thruth lnce uou've beard yhe yruth lOnce uYou've bHeard yThe yTruth Olnce Yuou've Hbeard Tyhe Tyruth
ince 7ou've geard 6he 6ruth iOnce 7You've gHeard 6The 6Truth Oince Y7ou've Hgeard T6he T6ruth Onnce jou've yeard ghe gruth Oce jYou've yHeard gThe gTruth
Ocne Yjou've Hyeard Tghe Tgruth Omce tou've Heeard rhe rruth Omnce tYou've Hard rThe rTruth Onmce Ytou've Haerd Trhe Trruth Ohce Yoou've Hsard
Ohnce Yu've Hseard Te Tuth Onhce Yuo've Hesard Teh Turth Ojce Yku've H3ard Tje Tduth Ojnce Ykou've H3eard Tjhe Tdruth Onjce Yoku've He3ard Thje Trduth
Obce Y9u've Hfard Tue T4uth Obnce Y9ou've Hfeard Tuhe T4ruth Onbce Yo9u've Hefard Thue Tr4uth Oncce Y0u've Hrard Tne Tguth One Y0ou've Hreard Tnhe
Onec Yo0u've Herard Thne Trguth Onfe Ylu've H4ard Tbe Ttuth Onfce Ylou've H4eard Tbhe Ttruth Oncfe Yolu've He4ard Thbe Trtuth Onxe Yiu've Hdard Tge T5uth
Onxce Yiou've Hdeard Oncxe Yoiu've Hedard Thge Tr5uth Onve Youu've Hward Tye Tfuth Onvce Yo've Hweard Oncve Yo'uve Heward Thye Trfuth
Onde Yoh've Heaard Thee Teuth Ondce Yohu've Herd Th Teruth Oncde Youh've Herad The Treuth Oncee Yo7've Hezrd Ths Truuth Onc Yo7u've Hezard Thse Trth
Once You7've Heazrd Thes Trtuh Oncs Yok've Heqrd Th3 Trhth Oncse Heqard Th3e Trhuth Onces Youk've Heaqrd The3 Truhth

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