Randy Travis
The Blues In Black And White

(Wayland Holyfield - Verlon Thomas)

The writing is on the wall, baby
We're different as day and night
But, I guess that I refused to face it
The blues in black and white.

When I got home I knew, mayby
Something was wrong tonight
When I found the note you wrote, it gave me
The blues in black and white.

Color my world without you in it
And the future don't look too bright
Darlin' it's not a pretty picture
The blues in black and white.

--- Instrumental ---

Since you've been gone, I'm going crazy
I've got to get on with my life
Maybe I'll write a book and call it
The blues in black and white.

Color my world without you in it
And the future don't look too bright
Darlin' it's not a pretty picture
The blues in black and white.

The blues in black and white...

Mirror lyrics:

The blues in black and white...

The blues in black and white.
Darlin' it's not a pretty picture
And the future don't look too bright
Color my world without you in it

The blues in black and white.
Maybe I'll write a book and call it
I've got to get on with my life
Since you've been gone, I'm going crazy

--- Instrumental ---

The blues in black and white.
Darlin' it's not a pretty picture
And the future don't look too bright
Color my world without you in it

The blues in black and white.
When I found the note you wrote, it gave me
Something was wrong tonight
When I got home I knew, mayby

The blues in black and white.
But, I guess that I refused to face it
We're different as day and night
The writing is on the wall, baby

(Wayland Holyfield - Verlon Thomas)

Relevant Tags:
TThe BBlues IIn BBlack AAnd WWhite he lues n lack nd hite hTe lBues nI lBack nAd hWite fhe vlues jn vlack znd ahite fThe vBlues jIn vBlack zAnd aWhite
Tfhe Bvlues Ijn Bvlack Aznd Wahite 5he glues 9n glack qnd 3hite 5The gBlues 9In gBlack qAnd 3White T5he Bglues I9n Bglack Aqnd W3hite hhe nlues ln nlack snd dhite
hThe nBlues lIn nBlack sAnd dWhite Thhe Bnlues Iln Bnlack Asnd Wdhite yhe hlues on hlack wnd ehite yThe hBlues oIn hBlack wAnd eWhite Tyhe Bhlues Ion Bhlack Awnd Wehite
6he Bllues kn Bllack xnd shite 6The Bues kIn Back xAnd sWhite T6he Bules Ikn Balck Axnd Wshite ghe Bkues 8n Bkack Annd 2hite gThe Bklues 8In Bklack Ad 2White
Tghe Blkues I8n Blkack Adn W2hite rhe Boues un Boack Amd qhite rThe Bolues uIn Bolack Amnd qWhite Trhe Bloues Iun Bloack Anmd Wqhite Bpues Inn Bpack Ahd Whhite
Te Bplues I Bplack Ahnd Wite Teh Blpues In Blpack Anhd Wihte Tje Bluues Im Blaack Ajd Wjite Tjhe Bles Imn Blck Ajnd Wjhite Thje Bleus Inm Blcak Anjd Whjite
Tue Blhes Ih Blzck Abd Wuite Tuhe Blhues Ihn Blzack Abnd Wuhite Thue Bluhes Inh Blazck Anbd Whuite Tne Bl7es Ij Blqck Andd Wnite Tnhe Bl7ues Blqack An Wnhite
Thne Blu7es Inj Blaqck And Whnite Tbe Blkes Ib Blsck Anx Wbite Tbhe Ibn Blsack Anxd Wbhite Thbe Blukes Inb Blasck Andx Whbite Tge Blies Blwck Ane Wgite
Bliues Blwack Aned Wghite Thge Bluies Blawck Ande Whgite Tye Bl8es Blxck Anf Wyite Bl8ues Blxack Anfd Wyhite Thye Blu8es Blaxck Andf Whyite
Thee Bljes Blacck Anr Whiite Th Bljues Blak Anrd Whte The Blujes Blakc Andr Whtie Ths Blyes Blafk Anc Whjte Thse Blyues Blafck Ancd
Thes Bluyes Blacfk Andc Whijte Th3 Bluees Blaxk Ans Wh9te Th3e Blus Ansd Wh9ite The3 Bluse Blacxk Ands Whi9te Thf Bluss Blavk Whlte
Thfe Bluses Blavck Whlite Thef Bluess Blacvk Whilte

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