Randy Travis
I'd Do It All Again With You (hidden Track)

Album: Greatest Hits, Vol. 2

Once upon a time in our life
We held the key to every door
And all that I desired
Was you forever more

I found love in a heart
Once broken far beyond repair
And you restored a sole
That had forgotten how to care

Everything we needed
Was at our beckon call
With you and I together
We could conquer all

When I needed badly
To be cheered up for a while
You were there
And all you had to do was simply smile

And holding things together
Was so easy for us to do
For you could turn to me for help
And I could turn to you

And jealousy was something
That never entered our hearts
For we were made for one another
No matter where we are

When things were at there darkest
I could hold you next to me
And I knew all would be okay
For you were strong and I was weak

So given every chance for me
To start my life anew
There'd be no question
I'd do it all again with you...

Mirror lyrics:

I'd do it all again with you...
There'd be no question
To start my life anew
So given every chance for me

For you were strong and I was weak
And I knew all would be okay
I could hold you next to me
When things were at there darkest

No matter where we are
For we were made for one another
That never entered our hearts
And jealousy was something

And I could turn to you
For you could turn to me for help
Was so easy for us to do
And holding things together

And all you had to do was simply smile
You were there
To be cheered up for a while
When I needed badly

We could conquer all
With you and I together
Was at our beckon call
Everything we needed

That had forgotten how to care
And you restored a sole
Once broken far beyond repair
I found love in a heart

Was you forever more
And all that I desired
We held the key to every door
Once upon a time in our life

Album: Greatest Hits, Vol. 2

Relevant Tags:
II'd DDo IIt AAll AAgain WWith YYou ((hidden TTrack) 'd o t ll gain ith ou hidden rack) 'Id oD tI lAl gAain iWth oYu h(idden rTack)
j'd xo jt zll zgain aith gou (hhidden frack) jI'd xDo jIt zAll zAgain aWith gYou (idden fTrack) Ij'd Dxo Ijt Azll Azgain Waith Ygou (ihdden Tfrack)
9'd eo 9t qll qgain 3ith hou (jidden 5rack) 9I'd eDo 9It qAll qAgain 3With hYou (jhidden 5Track) I9'd Deo I9t Aqll Aqgain W3ith Yhou (hjidden T5rack)
l'd fo lt sll sgain dith 6ou (uidden hrack) lI'd fDo lIt sAll sAgain dWith 6You (uhidden hTrack) Il'd Dfo Ilt Asll Asgain Wdith Y6ou (huidden Thrack)
o'd ro ot wll wgain eith uou (nidden yrack) oI'd rDo oIt wAll wAgain eWith uYou (nhidden yTrack) Io'd Dro Iot Awll Awgain Weith Yuou (hnidden Tyrack)
k'd co kt xll xgain sith 7ou (bidden 6rack) kI'd cDo kIt xAll xAgain sWith 7You (bhidden 6Track) Ik'd Dco Ikt Axll Axgain Wsith Y7ou (hbidden T6rack)
8'd so 8t Alll Aggain 2ith jou (gidden grack) 8I'd sDo 8It Al Aain 2With jYou (ghidden gTrack) I8'd Dso I8t All Aagin W2ith Yjou (hgidden Tgrack)
u'd Doo ut Akl Ahain qith tou (yidden rrack) uI'd D uIt Akll Ahgain qWith tYou (yhidden rTrack) Iu'd Do Iut Alkl Aghain Wqith Ytou (hyidden Trrack)
I''d Dk Itt Aol Ayain Wiith Yoou (hiidden Id Dko I Aoll Aygain Wth Yu (hdden Tack) Id' Dok It Alol Agyain Wtih Yuo (hdiden Tarck)
I'dd D9 If Apl Abain Wjth Yku (hjdden Tdack) I' D9o Ift Apll Abgain Wjith Ykou Tdrack) I'd Do9 Itf Alpl Agbain Wijth Yoku (hijdden Trdack)
I'x D0 I5 Avain W9th Y9u (h9dden T4ack) I'xd D0o I5t Avgain W9ith Y9ou (h9idden T4rack) I'dx Do0 It5 Agvain Wi9th Yo9u (hi9dden Tr4ack)
I'e Dl Ih Alk Afain Wlth Y0u (hldden Tgack) I'ed Dlo Iht Afgain Wlith Y0ou (hlidden I'de Dol Ith Allk Agfain Wilth Yo0u (hildden Trgack)
I'f Di Iy Alo Atain Woth Ylu (hodden Ttack) I'fd Dio Iyt Atgain Woith Ylou (hoidden Ttrack) I'df Doi Ity Allo Agtain Wioth Yolu (hiodden Trtack)
I'r I6 Alp Agaain Wkth Yiu (hkdden T5ack) I'rd I6t Agin Wkith Yiou (hkidden I'dr It6 Allp Agian Wikth Yoiu (hikdden Tr5ack)
I'c Ig Agzin W8th Youu (h8dden Tfack) I'cd Igt Agzain W8ith Yo (h8idden I'dc Itg Agazin Wi8th You (hi8dden Trfack)
I's Ir Agqin Wuth Yoh (hudden Teack) I'sd Irt Agqain Wuith Yohu Terack) I'ds Itr Agaqin Wiuth Youh (hiudden Treack)
Agsin Witth Yo7 (hiddden Traack) Agsain Wih Yo7u (hiden Trck) Agasin Wiht You7 (hidden Trcak)
Agwin Wifh Yok (hixden Trzck) Agwain Wifth (hixdden Trzack) Agawin Witfh Youk (hidxden Trazck)
Agxin Wi5h Yoi (hieden Trqck) Agxain Wi5th (hiedden Trqack) Agaxin Wit5h Youi (hideden Traqck)

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