Randy Travis
If It Ain't One Thing It's Another

Bobby Carmichael/ Tony Stampley/Joe Stampley)

I got up this morning tried to get off of work
I couldn't even find not one clean shirt
There was no hot water when I jumped in the shower
I know my boss is gonna dock me an hour
The older I get the more I discover
If it ain't one thing, it's another

I got the car, I tried to get motivated
Now I'm stuck in the traffic, all I'm doing is waiting
The fool behind me keeps blowin' his horn
I got my top laid back and it's coming up a storm
The older I get the more I discover
If it ain't one thing, it's another

Light bill phone bill water and gas
Pay day comes and it goes so fast
There's no way out and I'm telling you brother
If it ain't one thing, it's another

I got to the job and I tried to explain
The boss said you won't have to do that again
I called home just to tell her the news
She said bye bye baby I'm leaving you
She took the kids and she's gone to her mother's
If it aint one thing, it's another

Light bill phone bill water and gas
Pay day comes and it goes so fast
There's no way out and I'm telling you brother
If it ain't one thing, it's another
If it ain't one thing, it's another...

Mirror lyrics:

If it ain't one thing, it's another...
If it ain't one thing, it's another
There's no way out and I'm telling you brother
Pay day comes and it goes so fast
Light bill phone bill water and gas

If it aint one thing, it's another
She took the kids and she's gone to her mother's
She said bye bye baby I'm leaving you
I called home just to tell her the news
The boss said you won't have to do that again
I got to the job and I tried to explain

If it ain't one thing, it's another
There's no way out and I'm telling you brother
Pay day comes and it goes so fast
Light bill phone bill water and gas

If it ain't one thing, it's another
The older I get the more I discover
I got my top laid back and it's coming up a storm
The fool behind me keeps blowin' his horn
Now I'm stuck in the traffic, all I'm doing is waiting
I got the car, I tried to get motivated

If it ain't one thing, it's another
The older I get the more I discover
I know my boss is gonna dock me an hour
There was no hot water when I jumped in the shower
I couldn't even find not one clean shirt
I got up this morning tried to get off of work

Bobby Carmichael/ Tony Stampley/Joe Stampley)

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Ainh't One4 Thijng Its' Anoither Aij't Ond Th9ng It'ss Anotther Onde Th9ing It' Anoher Ainj't Oned Thi9ng It's Anohter Aib't Onw Thlng It'z Anofher
Aibn't Onwe Thling It'zs Anofther Ainb't Onew Thilng It'sz Anotfher Ain''t Thong It'w Ano5her Aint Thoing It'ws Ano5ther Aint' Thiong It'sw Anot5her
Ain'tt Thkng It'd Anohher Ain' Thking It'ds Anohther Ain't Thikng It'sd Anothher Ain'f Th8ng It'e Anoyher Ain'ft Th8ing It'es Anoyther
Ain'tf Thi8ng It'se Anotyher Ain'5 Thung It'x Ano6her Ain'5t It'xs Ano6ther

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