Half The Way You Were

When it stops I can see so clear,

And like a star I can disappear,

You're only half the way you were,

And your other half is calling,

So when you take a look around,

You'll realise it's only leaving,

So come on, come on, come on,

Out here,

So come on, come on, come on,

(You're only half the way you were)

(You're only half the way you were)

(You're only half the way you were)

(You're only half the way you were)

I can't lie my left hand is shaking,

I'll be fine once my head stops aching,

So just take back the clothes you stole,

Cause now you're in control it's clear,

But you're only half the way you were,

You're only half the way you were last year, (last year)

So come on, come on, come on,

Out here,

So come on, come on, come on,

(You're only half the way you were) [sung constantly in background]

When I was nine you gave me the sign,

It showed me so well,

I thought it hard at the time I committed a crime,

But you never can tell,

How do I explain the way, (the way I feel)

I'm not exactly here,

You know I've been blinded out on a golf course, ???? yeah

So come on, come on, come on,

So come on, come on, come on,

You're only half the way the were (x 8)

I didn't know at the time I committed a crime,

But you never can tell,

How do I explain the way, (the way I feel)

I'm not exactly here,

You know I've been blinded, I'm lay on a lounger

Mirror lyrics:

You know I've been blinded, I'm lay on a lounger

I'm not exactly here,

How do I explain the way, (the way I feel)

But you never can tell,

I didn't know at the time I committed a crime,

You're only half the way the were (x 8)

So come on, come on, come on,

So come on, come on, come on,

You know I've been blinded out on a golf course, ???? yeah

I'm not exactly here,

How do I explain the way, (the way I feel)

But you never can tell,

I thought it hard at the time I committed a crime,

It showed me so well,

When I was nine you gave me the sign,

(You're only half the way you were) [sung constantly in background]

So come on, come on, come on,

Out here,

So come on, come on, come on,

You're only half the way you were last year, (last year)

But you're only half the way you were,

Cause now you're in control it's clear,

So just take back the clothes you stole,

I'll be fine once my head stops aching,

I can't lie my left hand is shaking,

(You're only half the way you were)

(You're only half the way you were)

(You're only half the way you were)

(You're only half the way you were)

So come on, come on, come on,

Out here,

So come on, come on, come on,

You'll realise it's only leaving,

So when you take a look around,

And your other half is calling,

You're only half the way you were,

And like a star I can disappear,

When it stops I can see so clear,

Relevant Tags:
HHalf TThe WWay YYou WWere alf he ay ou ere aHlf hTe aWy oYu eWre jalf fhe aay gou aere jHalf fThe aWay gYou aWere Hjalf Tfhe Waay Ygou Waere
ualf 5he 3ay hou 3ere uHalf 5The 3Way hYou 3Were Hualf T5he W3ay Yhou W3ere nalf hhe day 6ou dere nHalf hThe dWay 6You dWere Hnalf Thhe Wday Y6ou Wdere
balf yhe eay uou eere bHalf yThe eWay uYou eWere Hbalf Tyhe Weay Yuou Weere galf 6he say 7ou sere gHalf 6The sWay 7You sWere Hgalf T6he Wsay Y7ou Wsere
yalf ghe 2ay jou 2ere yHalf gThe 2Way jYou 2Were Hyalf Tghe W2ay Yjou W2ere Haalf rhe qay tou qere Hlf rThe qWay tYou qWere Hlaf Trhe Wqay Ytou Wqere
Hzlf Yoou Hzalf Te Wy Yu Wre Hazlf Teh Wya Yuo Wree Hqlf Tje Wzy Yku Wsre Hqalf Tjhe Wzay Ykou Haqlf Thje Wazy Yoku Wesre
Hslf Tue Wqy Y9u W3re Hsalf Tuhe Y9ou Haslf Thue Waqy Yo9u We3re Hwlf Tne Wsy Y0u Wfre Hwalf Tnhe Y0ou Wfere Hawlf Thne Wasy Yo0u Wefre
Hxlf Tbe Wwy Ylu Wrre Hxalf Tbhe Wway Ylou Wrere Haxlf Thbe Wawy Yolu Werre Hallf Tge Wxy Yiu W4re Haf Wxay Yiou W4ere

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