If I Disappear

Verse 1
I know that every morning you wake
And think I'll be there
No matter how my heart aches
I pretend just to show you I care

Pre Chorus
But time doesn't make this alright
Why do these feelings keep coming
Back in my mind
Can't you see
Our love's fading

Don't know why I even try
To make you feel alright
Always looking out to see that
You would be okay
Don't know why I even try
So hard to make things good for you
Will you finally notice me
If I disappear

Sometimes I wish I could fly
Far away and let go of my fears
Leave all my hesitations behind
Hoping love would grow without me near

Pre Chorus
Repeat Chorus

Don't know why I even try
So hard to make thingy good for you
Will you finally notice me
If I disappear

Mirror lyrics:

If I disappear
Will you finally notice me
So hard to make thingy good for you
Don't know why I even try

Repeat Chorus
Pre Chorus

Hoping love would grow without me near
Leave all my hesitations behind
Far away and let go of my fears
Sometimes I wish I could fly

If I disappear
Will you finally notice me
So hard to make things good for you
Don't know why I even try
You would be okay
Always looking out to see that
To make you feel alright
Don't know why I even try

Our love's fading
Can't you see
Back in my mind
Why do these feelings keep coming
But time doesn't make this alright
Pre Chorus

I pretend just to show you I care
No matter how my heart aches
And think I'll be there
I know that every morning you wake
Verse 1

Relevant Tags:
IIf II DDisappear f isappear fI I iDsappear jf j xisappear jIf jI xDisappear Ijf Ij Dxisappear 9f 9 eisappear 9If 9I eDisappear
I9f I9 Deisappear lf l fisappear lIf lI fDisappear Ilf Il Dfisappear of o risappear oIf oI rDisappear Iof Io Drisappear kf k cisappear
kIf kI cDisappear Ikf Ik Dcisappear 8f 8 sisappear 8If 8I sDisappear I8f I8 Dsisappear uf u Diisappear uIf uI Dsappear Iuf Iu Dsiappear
Iff Djsappear I Djisappear If Dijsappear Ic D9sappear Icf D9isappear Ifc Di9sappear Ir Dlsappear Irf Dlisappear
Ifr Dilsappear Ig Dosappear Igf Doisappear Ifg Diosappear It Dksappear Itf Dkisappear Ift Diksappear Iv D8sappear
Ivf D8isappear Ifv Di8sappear Id Dusappear Idf Duisappear Ifd Diusappear Dissappear Diappear Diasppear
Dizappear Dizsappear Diszappear Diwappear Diwsappear Diswappear Didappear Didsappear
Disdappear Dieappear Diesappear Diseappear Dixappear Dixsappear Disxappear Diaappear
Diasappear Disaappear Disppear Dispapear Diszppear Disazppear Disqppear Disqappear
Disaqppear Dissppear Disasppear Diswppear Disawppear

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