Fire & Ice

Ooo, you're givin' me the fever tonight
I don't wanna give in I'd be playin' with fire
You forget, I've seen you work before
Take `em straight to the top leave `em cryin' for more
I've seen you burn `em before

Fire and ice you come on like a flame
Then you turn a cold shoulder
Fire and ice I wanna give you my love
But you'll just take a little piece of my heart

You'll just tear it apart

Movin' in for the kill tonight
You got every advantage when they put out the lights
It's not so pretty when it fades away
Cause it's just an illusion in this passion play
I've seen you burn `em before


So you think you got it all figured out
You're an expert in the field, without a doubt
But I know your methods inside and out
And I won't be takin' in by fire and ice


You come on like a flame
Then you turn a cold shoulder
Fire and ice I wanna give you my love
But you'll just take a little piece of my heart

You come on like a flame
Then you turn a cold shoulder
Fire and ice you come on like a flame
Then you turn a cold shoulder
Fire and ice

Mirror lyrics:

Fire and ice
Then you turn a cold shoulder
Fire and ice you come on like a flame
Then you turn a cold shoulder
You come on like a flame

But you'll just take a little piece of my heart
Fire and ice I wanna give you my love
Then you turn a cold shoulder
You come on like a flame


And I won't be takin' in by fire and ice
But I know your methods inside and out
You're an expert in the field, without a doubt
So you think you got it all figured out


I've seen you burn `em before
Cause it's just an illusion in this passion play
It's not so pretty when it fades away
You got every advantage when they put out the lights
Movin' in for the kill tonight

You'll just tear it apart

But you'll just take a little piece of my heart
Fire and ice I wanna give you my love
Then you turn a cold shoulder
Fire and ice you come on like a flame

I've seen you burn `em before
Take `em straight to the top leave `em cryin' for more
You forget, I've seen you work before
I don't wanna give in I'd be playin' with fire
Ooo, you're givin' me the fever tonight

Relevant Tags:
FFire && IIce ire ce iFre & cIe cire jce cFire jIce Fcire Ijce rire 9ce rFire 9Ice Frire I9ce gire lce gFire lIce
Fgire Ilce tire oce tFire oIce Ftire Ioce vire kce vFire kIce Fvire Ikce dire 8ce dFire 8Ice Fdire I8ce Fiire uce
Fre uIce Frie Iuce Fjre Icce Fjire Ie Fijre Iec F9re Ife F9ire Ifce Fi9re Icfe Flre Ixe Flire Ixce Filre Icxe
Fore Ive Foire Ivce Fiore Icve Fkre Ide Fkire Idce Fikre Icde F8re Icee F8ire Ic Fi8re Ice Fure Ics Fuire Icse

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