It's A Beautiful Morning


It's a beautiful mornin' ahhh
I think I'll go outside a while
An jus' smile
Just take in some clean fresh air boy
Ain't no sense in stayin' inside
If the weather's fine an' you got the time
It's your chance to wake up and plan another brand new day
Either way
It's a beautiful mornin' ahhh

Each bird keeps singin' his own song
So long
I've got to be on my way now
Ain't no fun just hangin' around
I've got to cover ground you couldn't keep me down
It just ain't no good if the sun shines
When you're still inside
Shouldn't hide still inside shouldn't hide
Ahhhh oh shouldn't hide ah ah oh

Do do waaa do do waaa

There will be children with robins and flowers
Sunshine caresses each new waking hour
Seems to me that the people keep seeing
More and more each day gotta say lead the way
It's okay wednesday thursday it's okay
Ahhh monday wednesday friday weekday ah ah ohhh

Do do waaa

Ah ah oh oh do do aaaa
Wooooo oo oo oh oh oh ah wo do waa
Ohhhhhhh oh oh oh

Mirror lyrics:

Ohhhhhhh oh oh oh
Wooooo oo oo oh oh oh ah wo do waa
Ah ah oh oh do do aaaa

Do do waaa

Ahhh monday wednesday friday weekday ah ah ohhh
It's okay wednesday thursday it's okay
More and more each day gotta say lead the way
Seems to me that the people keep seeing
Sunshine caresses each new waking hour
There will be children with robins and flowers

Do do waaa do do waaa

Ahhhh oh shouldn't hide ah ah oh
Shouldn't hide still inside shouldn't hide
When you're still inside
It just ain't no good if the sun shines
I've got to cover ground you couldn't keep me down
Ain't no fun just hangin' around
I've got to be on my way now
So long
Each bird keeps singin' his own song

It's a beautiful mornin' ahhh
Either way
It's your chance to wake up and plan another brand new day
If the weather's fine an' you got the time
Ain't no sense in stayin' inside
Just take in some clean fresh air boy
An jus' smile
I think I'll go outside a while
It's a beautiful mornin' ahhh


Relevant Tags:
IIt's AA BBeautiful MMorning t's eautiful orning tI's A eBautiful oMrning jt's z veautiful jorning jIt's zA vBeautiful jMorning Ijt's Az Bveautiful Mjorning
9t's q geautiful korning 9It's qA gBeautiful kMorning I9t's Aq Bgeautiful Mkorning lt's s neautiful norning lIt's sA nBeautiful nMorning Ilt's As Bneautiful Mnorning
ot's w heautiful Moorning oIt's wA hBeautiful Mrning Iot's Aw Bheautiful Mroning kt's x Beeautiful Mkrning kIt's xA Bautiful Ikt's Ax Baeutiful Mokrning
8t's Bsautiful M9rning 8It's Bseautiful M9orning I8t's Besautiful Mo9rning ut's B3autiful M0rning uIt's B3eautiful M0orning Iut's Be3autiful Mo0rning
Itt's Bfautiful Mlrning I's Bfeautiful Mlorning I'ts Befautiful Molrning If's Brautiful Mirning Ift's Breautiful Miorning Itf's Berautiful Moirning
I5's B4autiful Morrning I5t's B4eautiful Moning It5's Be4autiful Monring Ih's Bdautiful Modning Iht's Bdeautiful Modrning Ith's Bedautiful Mordning
Iy's Bwautiful Mo4ning Iyt's Bweautiful Mo4rning Ity's Bewautiful Mor4ning I6's Beaautiful Mogning I6t's Beutiful Mogrning It6's Beuatiful Morgning
Ig's Bezutiful Motning Igt's Bezautiful Motrning Itg's Beazutiful Mortning Ir's Bequtiful Mo5ning Irt's Beqautiful Mo5rning Itr's Beaqutiful Mor5ning
It''s Besutiful Mofning Its Mofrning Its' Beasutiful Morfning It'ss Bewutiful Moening It' Moerning It's Beawutiful Morening
It'z Bexutiful Mornning It'zs Bexautiful Moring It'sz Beaxutiful Morinng It'w Beauutiful Morming It'ws Beatiful Mormning It'sw Beatuiful Mornming
It'd Beahtiful Morhing It'ds Beahutiful Morhning It'sd Beauhtiful Mornhing It'e Bea7tiful Morjing It'es Bea7utiful Morjning It'se Beau7tiful Mornjing
It'x Beaktiful Morbing It'xs Beakutiful Morbning It'sx Beauktiful Mornbing It'a Beaitiful Morniing It'as Beaiutiful Mornng It'sa Beauitiful Mornnig
Bea8tiful Mornjng Bea8utiful Beau8tiful Mornijng Beajtiful Morn9ng Beajutiful Morn9ing Beaujtiful Morni9ng
Beaytiful Mornlng Beayutiful Mornling Beauytiful Mornilng Beauttiful Mornong Beauiful Mornoing Beauitful Morniong
Beaufiful Mornkng Beauftiful Mornking Beautfiful Mornikng Beau5iful Morn8ng Beau5tiful Morn8ing Beaut5iful Morni8ng
Beauhiful Mornung

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