Rascal Flatts
To Make Her Love Me

You waved your hand and it was done
Said "let it be" and there it was
A mountain so high
It broke through the sky
A canyon so deep
It'd bring a man to his knees

I've seen what you can do
I've seen you make miracles
And hopeless dreams come true
You made the heavens and the stars
Everything – come on, how hard could it be
To make her love me

I said some things I shouldn't have
Tried everything to win her back
I'm human, I messed up
Is she gone, are we done
Forgiveness, another chance
That's all I want, it's in your hands

I've seen what you can do.
I've seen you make miracles
And hopeless dreams come true.
You made the heavens and the stars
Everything – come on, how hard could it be
To make her love me?

To make her love me – yeah, yeah, yeah
To make her love me – Ooo, Ooo, Ooo

Mirror lyrics:

To make her love me – Ooo, Ooo, Ooo
To make her love me – yeah, yeah, yeah

To make her love me?
Everything – come on, how hard could it be
You made the heavens and the stars
And hopeless dreams come true.
I've seen you make miracles
I've seen what you can do.

That's all I want, it's in your hands
Forgiveness, another chance
Is she gone, are we done
I'm human, I messed up
Tried everything to win her back
I said some things I shouldn't have

To make her love me
Everything – come on, how hard could it be
You made the heavens and the stars
And hopeless dreams come true
I've seen you make miracles
I've seen what you can do

It'd bring a man to his knees
A canyon so deep
It broke through the sky
A mountain so high
Said "let it be" and there it was
You waved your hand and it was done

Relevant Tags:
TTo MMake HHer LLove MMe o ake er ove e oT aMke eHr oLve eM fo jake jer kove je fTo jMake jHer kLove jMe Tfo Mjake Hjer Lkove Mje
5o kake uer oove ke 5To kMake uHer oLove kMe T5o Mkake Huer Loove Mke ho nake ner pove ne hTo nMake nHer pLove nMe Tho Mnake Hner Lpove Mne
yo Maake ber Mee yTo Mke bHer Lve M Tyo Mkae Hber Lvoe Me 6o Mzke ger Lkve Ms 6To Mzake gHer Mse T6o Mazke Hger Lokve Mes
go Mqke yer L9ve M3 gTo Mqake yHer L9ove M3e Tgo Maqke Hyer Lo9ve Me3 ro Mske Heer L0ve Mf rTo Msake Hr L0ove Mfe Tro Maske Hre Lo0ve Mef
Too Mwke Hsr Llve Mr T Mwake Hser Llove Mre To Mawke Hesr Lolve Mer Tk Mxke H3r Live M4 Tko Mxake H3er Liove M4e Tok Maxke He3r Loive Me4
T9 Makke Hfr Lovve Md T9o Mae Hfer Loe Mde To9 Maek Hefr Loev Med T0 Male Hrr Lobe Mw T0o Malke Hrer Lobve Mwe To0 Makle Herr Lovbe Mew

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