Rascal Flatts
Love Another Day

It's three AM and you're sitll wide awake
Wondering how much your broken heart can take
All he left you with was shattered dreams
I know it's hard to see right now
It's not as bad as it seems

'Cause you'll live to love another day
Happiness is on its way
Hold on, it won't be long
'Cause I know the pain you're livin' in
Sometimes you gotta lose to win
It's okay, don't you worry baby
We all live to love another day

I know you say you've lost your faith in love
And it's not written in the stars above
I wouldn't tell you anything but the truth
'Cause I've been where you are
And I'm livin' proof

That you'll live to love another day
Happiness is on its way
Hold on, it won't be long
'Cause I know the pain you're livin' in
Sometimes you gotta lose to win
It's okay, don't you worry baby
We all live to love another day

What's here right now didn't come to stay
The sun is gonna rise again
And the clouds will roll away
Believe me when I say

That you'll live to love another day
Happiness is on its way
Hold on, hold on
'Cause I know the pain you're livin' in
Sometimes you gotta lose to win
It's okay, don't you worry baby
We all live to love another day

Don't you worry baby
We all live to love another day

Mirror lyrics:

We all live to love another day
Don't you worry baby

We all live to love another day
It's okay, don't you worry baby
Sometimes you gotta lose to win
'Cause I know the pain you're livin' in
Hold on, hold on
Happiness is on its way
That you'll live to love another day

Believe me when I say
And the clouds will roll away
The sun is gonna rise again
What's here right now didn't come to stay

We all live to love another day
It's okay, don't you worry baby
Sometimes you gotta lose to win
'Cause I know the pain you're livin' in
Hold on, it won't be long
Happiness is on its way
That you'll live to love another day

And I'm livin' proof
'Cause I've been where you are
I wouldn't tell you anything but the truth
And it's not written in the stars above
I know you say you've lost your faith in love

We all live to love another day
It's okay, don't you worry baby
Sometimes you gotta lose to win
'Cause I know the pain you're livin' in
Hold on, it won't be long
Happiness is on its way
'Cause you'll live to love another day

It's not as bad as it seems
I know it's hard to see right now
All he left you with was shattered dreams
Wondering how much your broken heart can take
It's three AM and you're sitll wide awake

Relevant Tags:
LLove AAnother DDay ove nother ay oLve nAother aDy kove znother xay kLove zAnother xDay Lkove Aznother Dxay oove qnother eay
oLove qAnother eDay Loove Aqnother Deay pove snother fay pLove sAnother fDay Lpove Asnother Dfay wnother ray Lve wAnother rDay
Lvoe Awnother Dray Lkve xnother cay xAnother cDay Lokve Axnother Dcay L9ve Annother say L9ove Aother sDay Lo9ve Aonther Dsay
L0ve Amother Daay L0ove Amnother Dy Lo0ve Anmother Dya Llve Ahother Dzy Llove Ahnother Dzay Lolve Anhother Dazy Live Ajother Dqy
Liove Ajnother Dqay Loive Anjother Daqy Lovve Abother Dsy Loe Abnother Loev Anbother Dasy Lobe Anoother Dwy Lobve Anther Dway
Lovbe Antoher Dawy Loce Ankther Dxy Locve Ankother Lovce Anokther Daxy Loge An9ther Dayy Logve An9other Da Lovge Ano9ther Day
Lofe An0ther Dag Lofve An0other Dagy Lovfe Ano0ther Dayg Lovee Anlther Dah Lov Anlother Dahy Love Anolther Dayh Lovs Anither Da6
Lovse Aniother Da6y Loves Anoither Day6 Lov3 Anotther Dau Lov3e Anoher Dauy Love3 Anohter Dayu Lovf Anofher Da7 Anofther Da7y
Lovef Anotfher Day7 Lovr Ano5her Daj Lovre Ano5ther Dajy Lover Anot5her Dayj Lov4 Anohher Dat Lov4e Anohther Daty Love4 Anothher Dayt
Lovd Anoyher Lovde Anoyther Loved Anotyher Lovw Ano6her Lovwe Ano6ther

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