Ray Price
You Done Me Wrong

(Ray Price - Stan Jones)

Well, you tell me that you care
But now you're gone you got me cryin'
No use denyin' you done me wrong
If I could look inside your heart
Then maybe I would know the reason
Why you are leavin' me all alone.

Well, you know it's not so when you say
It's not well you know you lie
I didn't do one wrong thing to you
Won't you tell me baby
Why you went and left me here so lonely
I miss only for I love you.

--- Instrumental ---

Did I ever make you sad
So you'd be mad and love to hurt me
And desert me for so long
Well, you're telling everyone what you done
Tou think it's funny
Well, listen honey, you done me wrong.

Well, you know it's not so when you say
It's not well you know you lie
I didn't do one wrong thing to you
Won't you tell me baby
Why you went and left me here so lonely
I miss only for I love you.

--- Instrumental ---

Well you know it's not so when you say
It's not well you know you lie
I didn't do one wrong thing to you
Won't you tell me baby
Why you went and left me here so lonely
I miss only for I love you...

Mirror lyrics:

I miss only for I love you...
Why you went and left me here so lonely
Won't you tell me baby
I didn't do one wrong thing to you
It's not well you know you lie
Well you know it's not so when you say

--- Instrumental ---

I miss only for I love you.
Why you went and left me here so lonely
Won't you tell me baby
I didn't do one wrong thing to you
It's not well you know you lie
Well, you know it's not so when you say

Well, listen honey, you done me wrong.
Tou think it's funny
Well, you're telling everyone what you done
And desert me for so long
So you'd be mad and love to hurt me
Did I ever make you sad

--- Instrumental ---

I miss only for I love you.
Why you went and left me here so lonely
Won't you tell me baby
I didn't do one wrong thing to you
It's not well you know you lie
Well, you know it's not so when you say

Why you are leavin' me all alone.
Then maybe I would know the reason
If I could look inside your heart
No use denyin' you done me wrong
But now you're gone you got me cryin'
Well, you tell me that you care

(Ray Price - Stan Jones)

Relevant Tags:
YYou DDone MMe WWrong ou one e rong oYu oDne eM rWong gou xone je arong gYou xDone jMe aWrong Ygou Dxone Mje Warong
hou eone ke 3rong hYou eDone kMe 3Wrong Yhou Deone Mke W3rong 6ou fone ne drong 6You fDone nMe dWrong Y6ou Dfone Mne Wdrong
uou rone Mee erong uYou rDone M eWrong Yuou Drone Me Werong 7ou cone Ms srong 7You cDone Mse sWrong Y7ou Dcone Mes Wsrong
jou sone M3 2rong jYou sDone M3e 2Wrong Yjou Dsone Me3 W2rong tou Doone Mf qrong tYou Dne Mfe qWrong Ytou Dnoe Mef Wqrong
Yoou Dkne Mr Wrrong Yu Dkone Mre Wong Yuo Dokne Mer Worng Yku D9ne M4 Wdong Ykou D9one M4e Yoku Do9ne Me4 Wrdong
Y9u D0ne Md W4ong Y9ou D0one Mde W4rong Yo9u Do0ne Med Wr4ong Y0u Dlne Mw Wgong Y0ou Dlone Mwe Wgrong Yo0u Dolne Mew Wrgong
Ylu Dine Wtong Ylou Dione Wtrong Yolu Doine Wrtong Yiu Donne W5ong Yiou Doe W5rong Yoiu Doen Wr5ong
Youu Dome Wfong Yo Domne Wfrong You Donme Wrfong Yoh Dohe Weong Yohu Dohne Youh Donhe Wreong
Yo7 Doje Wroong

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