Ray Stevens
Indian Love Call

When I'm calling you, ooh
If you answer too, ooh

That means that I offer my love to you
To be your own
If you refuse me, I will be blue
And waiting all alone

But, if when you hear
My love call, ringing clear, ooh
And I hear you're
Answering a call so dear, ooh

Then I will know
That our love will be true
You belong to me
I belong to you, ooh, ooh, ooh

Mirror lyrics:

I belong to you, ooh, ooh, ooh
You belong to me
That our love will be true
Then I will know

Answering a call so dear, ooh
And I hear you're
My love call, ringing clear, ooh
But, if when you hear

And waiting all alone
If you refuse me, I will be blue
To be your own
That means that I offer my love to you

If you answer too, ooh
When I'm calling you, ooh

Relevant Tags:
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9Indian oLove xCall I9ndian Loove Cxall lndian pove vall lIndian pLove vCall Ilndian Lpove Cvall ondian dall oIndian Lve dCall
Iondian Lvoe Cdall kndian Lkve Caall kIndian Cll Ikndian Lokve Clal 8ndian L9ve Czll 8Indian L9ove Czall I8ndian Lo9ve Cazll
undian L0ve Cqll uIndian L0ove Cqall Iundian Lo0ve Caqll Inndian Llve Csll Idian Llove Csall Idnian Lolve Casll Imdian Live Cwll
Imndian Liove Cwall Inmdian Loive Cawll Ihdian Lovve Cxll Ihndian Loe Inhdian Loev Caxll Ijdian Lobe Calll Lobve Cal
Injdian Lovbe Call Ibdian Loce Cakl Ibndian Locve Cakll Inbdian Lovce Calkl Inddian Loge Caol Inian Logve Caoll Inidan Lovge Calol
Inxian Lofe Capl Inxdian Lofve Capll Indxian Lovfe Calpl Ineian Lovee Inedian Lov Indeian Love Infian Lovs Calk
Infdian Lovse Indfian Loves Callk Inrian Lov3 Calo Inrdian Lov3e Indrian Love3 Callo Incian Lovf Calp Incdian
Indcian Lovef Callp Insian Lovr

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