Ray Price
I've Been There Before

(Bobby Gosh - T.H.Kidd)

Yes, I know her very well
'Cause I've been there before
There's so much that I could tell
'Cause I've been there before.

We lived, we loved, we laughed, we cried
You'll never know how much I tried till love died
Now, she's only yesterday
Well, I'll go no more 'cause I've been there before.

Yes, I've been there before...

Mirror lyrics:

Yes, I've been there before...

Well, I'll go no more 'cause I've been there before.
Now, she's only yesterday
You'll never know how much I tried till love died
We lived, we loved, we laughed, we cried

'Cause I've been there before.
There's so much that I could tell
'Cause I've been there before
Yes, I know her very well

(Bobby Gosh - T.H.Kidd)

Relevant Tags:
II've BBeen TThere BBefore 've een here efore 'Ive eBen hTere eBfore j've veen fhere vefore jI've vBeen fThere vBefore Ij've Bveen Tfhere Bvefore
9've geen 5here gefore 9I've gBeen 5There gBefore I9've Bgeen T5here Bgefore l've neen hhere nefore lI've nBeen hThere nBefore Il've Bneen Thhere Bnefore
o've heen yhere hefore oI've hBeen yThere hBefore Io've Bheen Tyhere Bhefore k've Beeen 6here Beefore kI've Ben 6There Bfore Ik've Been T6here Bfeore
8've Bsen ghere Bsfore 8I've Bseen gThere Bsefore I8've Besen Tghere Besfore u've B3en rhere B3fore uI've B3een rThere B3efore Iu've Be3en Trhere Be3fore
I''ve Bfen Bffore Ive Bfeen Tere Bfefore Iv'e Befen Tehre Beffore I'vve Bren Tjere Brfore I'e Breen Tjhere Brefore I'ev Beren Thjere Berfore
I'be B4en Tuere B4fore I'bve B4een Tuhere B4efore I'vbe Be4en Thuere Be4fore I'ce Bden Tnere Bdfore I'cve Bdeen Tnhere Bdefore I'vce Beden Thnere Bedfore
I'ge Bwen Tbere Bwfore I'gve Bween Tbhere Bwefore I'vge Bewen Thbere Bewfore I'fe Tgere I'fve Beore I'vfe Bene Thgere Beofre
I'vee Besn Tyere Becore I'v Becfore I've Beesn Thyere Befcore I'vs Be3n Theere Berore I'vse Thre I'ves Bee3n Three Befrore
I'v3 Befn Thsre Begore I'v3e Thsere Begfore I've3 Beefn Thesre Befgore I'vf Bern Th3re Betore Th3ere Betfore I'vef Beern The3re Beftore
I'vr Be4n Thfre Bevore I'vre Thfere Bevfore I'ver Bee4n Thefre Befvore I'v4 Bedn Thrre Bedore I'v4e Threre

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