Ray Price
I'd Be A Legend In My Time

(Don Gibson)

If heartaches brought fame in love's crazy game
I'd be a legend in my time
If they gave gold statuetts for tears and regrets
I'd be a legend in my time.

But they don't give awards
And there's no praise or fame
For a heart that's been broken
Over love that's in vain.

If loneliness meant world acclaim
Everyone would know my name
I'd be a legend in my time.

--- Instrumental ---

But they don't give awards
And there's no praise or fame
For a heart that's been broken
Over love that's in vain.

If loneliness meant world acclaim
Everyone would know my name
I'd be a legend in my time...

Mirror lyrics:

I'd be a legend in my time...
Everyone would know my name
If loneliness meant world acclaim

Over love that's in vain.
For a heart that's been broken
And there's no praise or fame
But they don't give awards

--- Instrumental ---

I'd be a legend in my time.
Everyone would know my name
If loneliness meant world acclaim

Over love that's in vain.
For a heart that's been broken
And there's no praise or fame
But they don't give awards

I'd be a legend in my time.
If they gave gold statuetts for tears and regrets
I'd be a legend in my time
If heartaches brought fame in love's crazy game

(Don Gibson)

Relevant Tags:
II'd BBe AA LLegend IIn MMy TTime 'd e egend n y ime 'Id eB A eLgend nI yM iTme j'd ve z kegend jn jy fime jI'd vBe zA kLegend jIn jMy fTime
Ij'd Bve Az Lkegend Ijn Mjy Tfime 9'd ge q oegend 9n ky 5ime 9I'd gBe qA oLegend 9In kMy 5Time I9'd Bge Aq Loegend I9n Mky T5ime l'd ne s pegend ln ny hime
lI'd nBe sA pLegend lIn nMy hTime Il'd Bne As Lpegend Iln Mny Thime o'd he w Leegend on Myy yime oI'd hBe wA Lgend oIn M yTime Io'd Bhe Aw Lgeend Ion My Tyime
k'd Bee x Lsgend kn Mg 6ime kI'd B xA Lsegend kIn Mgy 6Time Ik'd Be Ax Lesgend Ikn Myg T6ime 8'd Bs L3gend 8n Mh gime 8I'd Bse L3egend 8In Mhy gTime
I8'd Bes Le3gend I8n Myh Tgime u'd B3 Lfgend un M6 rime uI'd B3e Lfegend uIn M6y rTime Iu'd Be3 Lefgend Iun My6 Trime I''d Bf Lrgend Inn Mu Tiime
Id Bfe Lregend I Muy Tme Id' Bef Lergend In Myu Tmie I'dd Br L4gend Im M7 Tjme I' Bre L4egend Imn M7y Tjime I'd Ber Le4gend Inm My7 Tijme
I'x B4 Ldgend Ih Mj T9me I'xd B4e Ldegend Ihn T9ime I'dx Be4 Ledgend Inh Myj Ti9me I'e Bd Lwgend Ij Mt Tlme I'ed Bde Lwegend Mty Tlime
I'de Bed Lewgend Inj Myt Tilme I'f Bw Leggend Ib Tome I'fd Bwe Leend Ibn Toime I'df Bew Leegnd Inb Tiome I'r Lehend Tkme
I'rd Lehgend Tkime I'dr Leghend Tikme I'c Leyend T8me I'cd Leygend T8ime I'dc Legyend Ti8me
I's Lebend Tume I'sd Lebgend Tuime I'ds Legbend Tiume Levend Timme Levgend Tie
Legvend Tiem Lefend Tije Legfend Timje Letend Tike Letgend
Legtend Timke Legeend Tine

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