Raymond & Maria
Dumb Again

Remember me when I said I was okay
Remember me when I called you everyday
Remember me when I looked for something new
Remember me when I said “I love you too”

But the doors are all open now, the wind blows right through the house
And the price is still waiting to be paid
The only thing I always knew was that I wanted to share my life with you
Now you're here, oh well oh well oh well

You can never be that dumb again
No matter how much you want to my friend
You can never be that dumb again
No matter how much you try to my friend

Remember me when I went out every night
Remember me when I when I held your hand too tight
Remember me when I gave your dad a hug
Remember me when I tried a brand new drug

Our train is about to crash, it will all be gone in a flash
But the journey was over long ago
I remember our holiday and our late Sunday brunch buffet
And I remember someone saying something true

You can never be that dumb again
No matter how much you want to my friend
You can never be that dumb again
No matter how much you try to my friend

No, you can never be that dumb again
No matter how much you want to my friend
You can never be that dumb again
No matter how much you try to my friend

Now everything has passed us by – don't ask me how, don't ask me why
We saw it all but didn't do a thing
Don't worry if you fail all you see here is on sale
And please buy something, it will ease the pain

You can never be that dumb again
No matter how much you want to my friend
You can never be that dumb again
No matter how much you try to my friend

No, you can never be that dumb again
No matter how much you want to my friend
You can never be that dumb again
No matter how much you try to my friend

No, you can never be that dumb again
No matter how much you want to my friend
You can never be that dumb again
No matter how much you try to my friend

Mirror lyrics:

No matter how much you try to my friend
You can never be that dumb again
No matter how much you want to my friend
No, you can never be that dumb again

No matter how much you try to my friend
You can never be that dumb again
No matter how much you want to my friend
No, you can never be that dumb again

No matter how much you try to my friend
You can never be that dumb again
No matter how much you want to my friend
You can never be that dumb again

And please buy something, it will ease the pain
Don't worry if you fail all you see here is on sale
We saw it all but didn't do a thing
Now everything has passed us by – don't ask me how, don't ask me why

No matter how much you try to my friend
You can never be that dumb again
No matter how much you want to my friend
No, you can never be that dumb again

No matter how much you try to my friend
You can never be that dumb again
No matter how much you want to my friend
You can never be that dumb again

And I remember someone saying something true
I remember our holiday and our late Sunday brunch buffet
But the journey was over long ago
Our train is about to crash, it will all be gone in a flash

Remember me when I tried a brand new drug
Remember me when I gave your dad a hug
Remember me when I when I held your hand too tight
Remember me when I went out every night

No matter how much you try to my friend
You can never be that dumb again
No matter how much you want to my friend
You can never be that dumb again

Now you're here, oh well oh well oh well
The only thing I always knew was that I wanted to share my life with you
And the price is still waiting to be paid
But the doors are all open now, the wind blows right through the house

Remember me when I said “I love you too”
Remember me when I looked for something new
Remember me when I called you everyday
Remember me when I said I was okay

Relevant Tags:
DDumb AAgain umb gain uDmb gAain xumb zgain xDumb zAgain Dxumb Azgain eumb qgain eDumb qAgain Deumb Aqgain fumb sgain fDumb sAgain
Dfumb Asgain rumb wgain rDumb wAgain Drumb Awgain cumb xgain cDumb xAgain Dcumb Axgain sumb Aggain sDumb Aain Dsumb Aagin Duumb Ahain
Dmb Ahgain Dmub Aghain Dhmb Ayain Dhumb Aygain Duhmb Agyain D7mb Abain D7umb Abgain Du7mb Agbain Dkmb Avain Dkumb Avgain Dukmb Agvain
Dimb Afain Diumb Afgain Duimb Agfain D8mb Atain D8umb Atgain Du8mb Agtain Djmb Agaain Djumb Agin Dujmb Agian Dymb Agzin Dyumb Agzain
Duymb Agazin Dummb Agqin Dub Agqain Dubm Agaqin

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