Forgive But Don't Forget

It was so disappointing
That all my trust was built on sand
It was against all reason
Although it happened again and again
Eye to eye the innocence died
Forgive but don't forget
Never fail twice
Forgive but don't forget
Straight through the lies
Your speech was full of treason
Although your heart was innocent
I had to pay for your sins
I healed my wounds, now I'm stronger than all
Head to toes experience grows
Forgive but don't forget
Never fail twice
Forgive but don't forget
Straight through the lies

Mirror lyrics:

Straight through the lies
Forgive but don't forget
Never fail twice
Forgive but don't forget
Head to toes experience grows
I healed my wounds, now I'm stronger than all
I had to pay for your sins
Although your heart was innocent
Your speech was full of treason
Straight through the lies
Forgive but don't forget
Never fail twice
Forgive but don't forget
Eye to eye the innocence died
Although it happened again and again
It was against all reason
That all my trust was built on sand
It was so disappointing

Relevant Tags:
FForgive BBut DDon't FForget orgive ut on't orget oFrgive uBt oDn't oFrget corgive vut xon't corget cForgive vBut xDon't cForget Fcorgive Bvut Dxon't Fcorget
rorgive gut eon't rorget rForgive gBut eDon't rForget Frorgive Bgut Deon't Frorget gorgive nut fon't gorget gForgive nBut fDon't gForget Fgorgive Bnut Dfon't Fgorget
torgive hut ron't torget tForgive hBut rDon't tForget Ftorgive Bhut Dron't Ftorget vorgive Buut con't vorget vForgive Bt cDon't vForget Fvorgive Btu Dcon't Fvorget
dorgive Bht son't dorget dForgive sDon't dForget Fdorgive Buht Dson't Fdorget Foorgive B7t Doon't Foorget Frgive B7ut Dn't Frget Frogive Bu7t Dno't Froget
Fkrgive Bkt Dkn't Fkrget Fkorgive Bkut Dkon't Fkorget Fokrgive Bukt Dokn't Fokrget F9rgive Bit D9n't F9rget F9orgive Biut D9on't F9orget Fo9rgive Buit Do9n't Fo9rget
F0rgive B8t D0n't F0rget F0orgive B8ut D0on't F0orget Fo0rgive Bu8t Do0n't Fo0rget Flrgive Bjt Dln't Flrget Florgive Bjut Dlon't Florget Folrgive Bujt Doln't Folrget
Firgive Byt Din't Firget Fiorgive Byut Dion't Fiorget Foirgive Buyt Doin't Foirget Forrgive Butt Donn't Forrget Fogive Bu Do't Foget Fogrive But Do'nt Fogret
Fodgive Buf Dom't Fodget Fodrgive Buft Domn't Fodrget Fordgive Butf Donm't Fordget Fo4give Bu5 Doh't Fo4get Fo4rgive Bu5t Dohn't Fo4rget For4give But5 Donh't For4get
Foggive Buh Doj't Fogget Fogrgive Dojn't Fogrget Forggive Buth Donj't Forgget Fotgive Buy Dob't Fotget Fotrgive Dobn't Fotrget Fortgive Buty Donb't Fortget
Fo5give Bu6 Don''t Fo5get Fo5rgive Bu6t Dont Fo5rget For5give But6 Dont' For5get Fofgive Bug Don'tt Fofget Fofrgive Bugt Don' Fofrget Forfgive Butg Don't Forfget
Foegive Bur Don'f Foeget Foergive Burt Don'ft Foerget Foregive Butr Don'tf Foreget Don'5 Forive Don'5t Foret Forigve Don't5 Foregt
Forhive Don'h Forhet Forhgive Don'ht Forhget Forghive Don'th Forghet Foryive Don'y Foryet Forygive Don'yt Foryget Forgyive Don'ty Forgyet

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